Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Slacker ~


Day 2 at class I was a real slacker.  I was lacking motivation . . . plus as much as I hate reverse hooking, I decided (along with Connie, Kaye, and others) that the leaves really needed to be changed.

I am happy I made the change.  Much better, no?

A few more loops were pulled since class ~ very few.  {I did get a bit more background hooked on my scrappy crosses rug.}

I only took a couple pictures of the work in progress.  Peggy was doing a wonderful job using a 6 cut.

I did not the name of the hooker, but look at this beauty.  This was being hooked in a 3 cut I believe.  I so admire the fine cuts, but it's not something I'm interested in doing.

Luscious wool swatches to choose from.

The class was also a "find and finish" class if you were struggling with a current project.  Kaye is one of the best primitive hookers.  Her color choices are to die for.  This picture is very washed out.  It is a pattern by Visions of Ewe.

Isn't it magnificent?  Kaye is hooking it in a 9.5.  These colors are more accurate.

Look at the finished dimensions.  WOWZA!

It looks like we are in for a hard freeze in a couple of days.  I don't think my poor daffodil buds will survive, but at least my livelihood doesn't depend on them.  There is a real danger to the fruit trees.  Being a farmer has to be so difficult.  Prayers for them.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)



  1. Really like the change you made With the green wool.
    It made a nice difference. I love looking at those very fine strips of wool, but don't like hooking with them !

  2. Lauren I love the changes you made to the leaves! Great colors in the rug! I feel like a slacker these past few days even though I've been working steady! Maybe a break is in order! Winter is not over... sigh... but after the nice weather we had it's sure hard see the below freezing stuff come back! Yes prayers for those farming... it's tough going for them.
    Cathy G

  3. I really like the change in the leaves, the new colors are beautiful. We had a nice day, but more snow coming in this week, ugh.


  4. I do like the green leaves now. Some fine hookers out there. Janice

  5. I like the change better too but I don't think you're a slacker at all. I couldn't hook steady like you do.
    I need a different project to work on from time to time.
    Right now, I'm filing mountains of invoices and statements for the farm and I equate this jog right up there with binding and whipping rugs.


  6. Like the changes in your leaves! Kaye's rug is looking great! It is an awesome huge rug!

  7. Oh yes. I can see why you're happy you unhooked!

  8. I think everything looks wonderful. I sure need some classes.
    I like the green of the leaves though.
    Have a nice evening

  9. great change of the leaves...I try to hook with lighter colors and it never works for me...Kaye!!! oh that rug is a beauty, it would be perfect if the horse was a cat...

  10. Your rug is coming along nicely...the green leaves really pop. Our cold weather is behind us here. The trees are decked out in those lovely chartreuse new leaves. I do like spring!

  11. Oh contrar, you aren't a slacker at all. I think what you've done is great and LOVE the change. Hey, when you go to those events we do love to communicate with others. Besides, sharing your 'fairie dust' takes time.

  12. Morning Lauren, loving the pretty green leaves, looks so Springlike. Hugs Francine.

  13. Hi Lauren,
    You are too hard on yourself, my friend!! Sometimes we just need to slow down a bit and take some time to really enjoy what we are doing! Love those green leaves and looking forward to seeing your progress! I LOVE that really big rug and that red around the black horse is just WONDERFUL!! It will be a gorgeous rug!!
    We have been heating up here in AZ and it will actually be 89 this weekend!! I will be happy to send you some!!!
    Enjoy your week, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  14. Leaf color change is perfection! :-) Kaye's rug is hooking up nicely too!


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