Friday, March 10, 2017

Mindless Hooking ~

I like mindless hooking.  Backgrounds ~ I love working on them.  But enough already.  This rug has been nothing but mindless and I am anxious to be done with the background. 
Then it will be on to the hit and miss border.  Not yet sure how wide that will be.  My little runner has been set aside for the time being.  Too many rugs . . . too little time . . . sigh.
Next week I have a three day hooking class.  Woo hoo.  I'm lovin' this retirement, being free to do things during the week.  The class is with Carol Weatherman of the Sampling.  I bought this pattern from her last fall thinking I would work on it during my Caroline Twigg class but decided to hook Ned instead.  I'm kind of sorry I chose such a large pattern ~ it's 29"x44".  At this point, I'm committed.
I went and picked all my daffodil buds.  I don't think they will survive the freeze that is coming.  It will be cheery in the house in a few days. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hey, good idea, I'd better get my butt outside and cut some too. Gonna freez badly here too. Unlike you I'm not fond of the mindless background ~ well, guess there have been times when it was suitable and didn't have to think.

    Looking forward to see what you do with the lion and am loving the crosses rug.


  2. Both rugs are beautiful and I am sure you will be so pleased when finally finished with all that background stuff. It is already looking wonderful. I agree about the being retired part. But I know of NO hooking instructors nearby and I refuse to get on one of those crazy here I sit...All thumbs.

    Love visiting and have a great weekend...
    Folk Art Hugs with Peace, Barb

  3. The scrappy rug has turned out great and you have really moved it forward. I adore the lion and can't wait to see what you do with it. Ah, retirement, why were you so long coming...LOL.

  4. Got my daffodils cut and in the farmhouse with me your mindless rug 😍

  5. Oh your poor daffodils... At least, you can enjoy them inside.

    Sometimes I like mindless hooking and sometimes I prefer details. It all depends on my mood and frame of mind. ( Is that the same thing?) haha.

    Both your rugs are beautiful and you got a lot done on that geometric. I'm still waiting for my retirement. I don't think I live long enough to retire.

  6. Lauren, I love this rug more every time I see it. My penny mat arrived today ❤❤❤❤thank you!

  7. You are getting so close with your rug.. I think I will put this one on my bucket list.

    Have fun on your hooking venture.

  8. Love the dark background, really sets off the colors.


  9. Proud Lion is a fun rug to hook. I hooked him last spring at a workshop with Barb Carroll. Bet you will have a fun class with Carol Weatherman & the other ladies! Enjoy!

  10. Oh, love that lion rug! Looking forward to seeing yours. Your plus rug is looking good!

  11. Loving your hit and miss rug colors. Wish I was retired. Janice

  12. I love your next rug. Wow that is nice.
    I love your hit and miss and I love that background. I am so glad you get to go to a three day hooking class.
    I hope that cold doesn't stay around too long. Have a wonderful week.


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