Friday, January 6, 2017

Just for Laughs ~

My favorites are numbers 1, 5, and isn't number 9 the truth?

1. My goal for 2016 was to lose just 10 pounds … only 15 to go ...
2. Ate salad for dinner. Mostly croutons and tomatoes ... Really just one big, round crouton covered with tomato sauce ... And cheese... FINE, it was a pizza... I ate a pizza …
3. How to prepare Tofu:
      1. Throw it in the trash.
      2. Grill some Meat.

4. I just did a week's worth of cardio after walking into a spider web ...
5. I don't mean to brag but… I finished my 14-day diet food in 3 hours and 20 minutes ...
6. A recent study has found women who carry a little extra weight live longer than men who mention it ...
7. Kids today don't know how easy they have it... when I was young, I had to walk 9 feet through shag carpet to change the TV channel...
8. Senility has been a smooth transition for me...
9. Remember back when we were kids and every time it was below zero out they closed school?  Me neither.
10. I may not be that funny or athletic or good looking or smart or talented … I'm sorry, I forgot where I was going with this ...
11. I love being over 70 … I learn something new every day … and forget 5 others ...
12. A thief broke into my house last night … He started searching for money … so I woke up and searched with him...
13. My dentist told me I need a Crown … I said, “You bet, pour mine over rocks” …
14. I think I'll just put an "Out of Order" sticker on my forehead and call it a day ...

Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There was a bit of a misunderstanding about the rug I am working on.  It is not a memory rug, but a rug pattern by Woolen Memories.
Also, even though I did 51 flights of stairs the other day, I still did not make my 10,000 steps.  Bummer.  I can't remember the last time I made that goal. 
Everything but the big tree has been put away.  Oh, that feels so good.  Now it's back to redecorating, my goal for the next couple of days.  I figure I should do some cleaning beforehand.  In my next life, I am going to have a cleaning lady . . . lol.
It's been about forever and it's long overdue, but I am having a give-away.  Since I did not make anything special, I am offering this little proddy sheep mat with stick feet that I hooked a number of years ago. 
As always, enter by leaving a comment on this post or sending me an email with give-away in the subject line.  I will pick a winner next Thursday.  (My apologies to my Canadian/foreign readers, but due to the weight of this mat, this is for the US only.)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I could relate to say many of the goals for 2016. LOL. I love your sheep mat, the legs are darling. We are expecting snow here in Georgia this weekend, so I am sure you have some already.

  2. I love hooking, I love sheep, so your rug is a win, win, which I hope I do.

  3. This post was a riot !!!! I gave up many years ago making New Years resolutions ....I can't do it !!! I just bake chocolate chip cookies & eat the dough !!! That's my diet !

  4. What a cute sheep. I keep thinking I will try a proddy project, but have too many other rug hooking projects ahead of it. Your post today was a breath of fresh air. I swear our nation has forgotten how to laugh.

  5. A great post today lauren. A little humor is the spice of life.
    I finally took all the decorations off my big tree and I need to carry everything downstairs and put the tree away till December.

    No new resolutions. I threw that away with the old year. Just goals. I'm hooking a challenge rug using some left over worms with our Rug Hooking Daily group of Great Stash Deworming Marathon. You're welcome to join our challenge if you so desire

  6. Oh my, I do love those... LOL. Adorable mat, you are most generous. I spent the whole day rearranging my dining room cabinet and washing stuff. Good grief!! Where does time go?

  7. That humor really cracks me up! But hey, I really did lose ten lbs. in 2016! :-) I've been rearranging my antique smalls this week. I need to dust good but think that won't happen until next week. Have a great weekend, Lauren. Lori

  8. Adorable lil rug! I have been hooking the last few nights even cut some noodles! Am loving it! Enjoy your evening Lauren!

  9. I have not tried prodding so find your sheep intriguing and oh so cute.

    According to my Fitbit I have overeaten by 700+ calories today. Ummm not a good day in the step dept. either.

    You keep up the good work.

  10. Those little laughs are hilarious! I thought they were real for a minute....I like the thief one...I would gladly help a thief find money in my house too!

    I think 10,000 steps are a really high goal...for our age ...they should start out 500 steps in a day and then gradually work up to 1000..LOL...Even when I worked, I don't think I came close to 10,000 steps and I was on my feet 8 to 10 hours a day! Glad I didn't get a FitBIt for Christmas...I would be even more depressed than I am now...see you in a few weeks!!

  11. I put my Christmas decorations away today, and Woo Hoo, went over 10,000 steps! 11,247 to be exact!!

  12. That gave me a good laugh, needed that. I need to clean, but I am still thinking about it;)


  13. So funny. I claim #14 !!
    You certainly have a sense of humor. ;)

  14. Loved your post about your 2016 resolutions and about getting older. I feel much the same. Here in south Texas we are finally having a brief taste of winter after a Christmas in the 70's. My husband did not believe we really were having a freeze last night, 29 was the predicted low. So last night at 8 pm when it was 33, we were at Lowes hunting for pipe insulation. This morning it is 22! By Sunday we will be back to the 70's. I love reading your blog, love the cute product sheep and I hope to will it!

  15. Those were funny comments. Am surprised with all the climbing stairs you didn't reach 10,000 steps. May have been me who got confused about the 'memory' rug but it had floating images and my mind started wandering thinking about me making a rug with images from the 50's early 60's.

  16. Morning Lauren, lol, needs a chuckle, thanks...sweet product sheep rug, so cute....Hugs Francine.

  17. Love your post; it definitely produced some great chuckles. With this frigid weather, I nesting in to work on my many unfinished projects. Thanks for providing the opportunity to win this special mat. Fingers crossed for me!

  18. Your 2016 goals broke me up, Lauren! The sad thing is I can relate to so many of them, since I hit the big 65 last month! You weren't kidding about the "picking up speed"! The good news...this time next year I'll be officially retired too! Can't wait! Enjoy the weekend!

  19. I really enjoy reading your posts. Thank you. If I win the sheep mat she will go on the wall in my granddaughter's bedroom. I love it!

  20. hahahaha, I'll be laughing all day about that post!!! Best about women living longer w/a little weight than the men who mention it. (wiping away tears of laughter) Love your work as always, wool and winter - a great combination.

  21. Hi Lauren, Would love to be the proud owner of your sheep mat! Haven't tried prodding, love the texture! I'm hoping that 15+ disappears while I'm sleeping! Ha ha!

  22. Love the little sheep , give away.. wishing myself

  23. What a cute little guy - he's so fluffy and fat! Would look great displayed with my collection of black faced sheep!

  24. Your post was too funny, can I ever relate to it. I needed to be uplifted today. I love your giveaway and would be thrilled to be the winner. Hugs, Lecia

  25. Hey, lady. Does it count for the giveaway if I enter today? Or can I have it just caused I turned 68 on Sunday ( the day as Elvis' birthday, just not the same year) You and Saundra are the two main blogs I read now. One day, I need to figure out how can go to rug camp with both of yous. Need to get a picture of my mini schnauzer. Piper passed away more than three years ago.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)