Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How Ironic ~

The red hooked heart was almost an afterthought.  How ironic that it seems to be the favorite.  So . . . I will be giving it away.  Most of you know the details.  Leave a comment on this post or send me an email with give-away in the subject line.  THE WINNER MUST CONTACT ME WITHIN THREE DAYS or another will be chosen.  A winner will be picked Monday sometime after noon.
Before and after ~
My first attempt at the bunny's ear.  Not enough contrast in the wools.
I added the beauty line.  It looked better in the picture than in person which isn't saying a lot.

Finally ~ this was actually the fourth attempt.  At first I used the dark grey in an 8 cut 3 rows wide.  Too fat, so I skinnied up the ear. 

I mentioned in a previous post that I liked the kitty's spot but not the legs.  Well, the comment at hooking was that I needed to add some straps since it looked like a backpack.

So . . . the spot is gone and the legs are the same dark grey as the bunny's ear.  Better, me thinks.  He doesn't look so "puss in boots" :)
I'm continuing to shovel out clean the basement.  This went to a local thrift shop today.  Hopefully much more will be going soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. The kitty does look better in gray. Love the bunny too! Please enter me into your giveaway. Love all ofyour work! Janice

  2. I think all cats should wear boots but in the case of your rug the changes were well done, it is going to be absolutely wonderful when complet.
    Your hears turned out well it always amazes me the different looks of pieces just by how the wool was cut.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Your rug looks wonderful and I love the changes, even though I am always partial to red!!! Speaking of red, of course you know I LOVE RED, so your red heart would be most welcome!!! You sure were busy in your basement!!! Good job, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. Of the three rabbit ears I prefer the last one and prefer the cat with the red replaced. Definitely need to follow your lead to shovel out my clutter. And lastly, yeah, greedly I'd like to enter your generous giveaway.

  5. I liked the kitty with red socks ;) but I do like the grey too ~ looking good!!!

  6. Your rug is looking good! I hate reverse hooking but sometimes a hooker has to do what a hooker has to do! I would love to win one of your hearts.

  7. I rarely enter giveaways but not passing this one up! That rug is super nice. I agree with the cat changes.

  8. That rug is adorable!! You sure get a lot of hooking done! You should have seen the load we took last week...it was disgusting! I took pictures of it so I would remind myself not to buy stuff on impulse. Bringing some patterns to sell at Sauder next week :-)

  9. Oh your rug is looking wonderful. There is something in the air everyone is cleaning out

  10. Would love a chance at winning a heart!! Thanks for the opportunity!
    Love the cat with the gray legs -- the other was very cute as well, but I do like the more muted color.

  11. Love the kitty but boots are a good thing.. In a normal winter in Ohio we all would be wearing them.... ! Love to be entered in the drawing... And I agree it is in the air to CLEAN.. I almost wish I could ignore the need to catch a breath..... Coke

  12. Your kitty & bunny look great now , it is pouring rain here , so a good pair of Wellies are perfect ! Have a great time at the rug camp !

  13. I try not to over think my colors, I just grab and hook, lol. It looks like everything is coming together nicely in your rug.


  14. Your rug is looking great. I do that often put something in take something out. I need to get busy and have some clean out days!

  15. Giveaway. ..can't get any better than a red valentine heart...i'm working on a table runner with hearts. ..love valentines day

  16. Well, looks like you are tweaking like a mini-Saundra BAHAHA

  17. Morning Lauren, love the grey kirtty and I do love bunnies too... Please enter me in your heart giveaway, Hugs Francine.

  18. Oh how I wish I liked hooking! Love how different wools look when hooked!
    Blessings, Patti

  19. Lovely work. It's a good day to be entered in a giveaway!

  20. Love the new rug and happy I got to see it in person!! I do like the changes you made to the kitty and the bunny ear as well, but then I always love all your choices in colors etc you pick!! I would be thrilled to win that heart too! they all looked amazing!! thanks for a chance to win!! xoxo linda

  21. Love how your rug is turning out glad to see I'm not the only one that rips it out! Heck I have ruined my strips tearing it out so much!

  22. Your rug is looking good I like the rabbits ears from the fourth attempt Kitty is looking great Loved seeing how a piece of wool looks like when its hooked Thanks for sharing linda m

  23. It's odd how such a simple pattern could have so many details in it? And, what a difference those little adjustments made! :-) Good going on the basement clean out! A good project to keep busy until Spring arrives...I'm kind of doing the same at my home! :-)

  24. That is a lot of hooking and purging progress!! Think your changes on the rug are good. Maybe you could add a tiny bit of the gray somewhere else on the kitty? Would love to win a heart!! Especially the red one.

  25. Oh I would love to have the hooked heart piece. I'll do my darnest to keep checking back to see if I was the lucky one


  26. I think the rug is turning out wonderful. I haven't been on in a while so much going on.Glad I checked in today for a chance at the heart. Warm Blessings!~Amy

  27. Having this darn cast on my left arm is getting to be a huge pain. I can't reach my mouth so it's been hard to work with getting my dentures fixed. Forget opening my meds. Thank goodness for sisters. Receiving a beautiful red heart would brighten my day.

  28. Lauren, I would love to own one of your beautiful Hearts!!!!!

  29. I love your rug!! Very cute bunny. You have been so busy.
    Have a lovely evening.

  30. I definitely need to clean the basement and garage but as soon as I clean and area, my husband brings in more junk.

    I love the kitty with the grey legs and the bunny's ears looks better defined I think.

    I already have a beautiful heart from you so I hope someone else will be the lucky winner.

  31. Hi Lauren, Love the final cat and bunny changes. Am hoping to be the lucky winner for one of your hearts.
    Keep warm. We are drying out and warming up a little.
    Peace for All,

  32. Well, well, well...we truly are sistas from a different mista (and mother!)...and more evidence of our twinness emerges.... Why do you think I have procrastinated so long at the remodel blog posts?? I really don't want to think about showing pics of my basement! (Maybe I'll just skip that part)... And, on afterthought...maybe we really did have the same mum too...mine, also, was a borderline hoarder due to being brought up in the Depression with nothing.... Oh the refrigerator stories I could tell! ;o) Anywho...you know I am smitten with the Hearts of Lauren...and adore red...I'd be honored to win it.... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  33. Hope I'm the lucky winner of your sweet heart!

  34. I love hearts and would love to win this one! Whoever wins will be a happy camper, indeed.

  35. I love red and with Valentine's Day fast approaching I would love to have your red heart!

  36. Love the red heart! Much needed color for a drab winter. I like your changes to the cat & bunny. :)

  37. I was one of those who liked the red heart best. Glad you got to see your sister and gifted her a heart as well. Fingers crossed for the giveaway. ... jan


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