Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice ~

I'm officially tired of winter and it has just begun.  The upside is that we will gain a bit of daylight each day forward.
There is nothing on my frame, but I am getting some hooking-related stuff done.  I've sewn the labels on two of my vacation rugs.
The binding and labeling are also done on my Magdalena Briner adaptation.  The finished size of the rug is 30 1/2 x 24 1/2".  For me, that is a B-I-G rug.  It just needs a final steaming.
Ned is the only rug that is not yet bound and that is next on my list and I will be all caught up!  That doesn't happen too often.
I hope you are ready for the holidays.  This has been my most stress free Christmas season ever.  What a wonderful feeling.  I still have a few odds and ends to do and of course one more trip to the grocery store and a bit of cleaning.  Friday we are heading to Michigan just for a few hours to celebrate Christmas with DSO's daughter.  Because of nasty winter weather, she did not make it to the celebration in Ohio last Saturday.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It is raining in Apple Valley, CA!!! Yaaaa, Finally! Living here gets boring as I do enjoy some variety and today I am doing the 'Happy Dance'. Your rugs always inspire me, but too much stuff going on with Christmas looming just 4 days away. Actually, I LOVE Christmas time, just have to put my playtime aside. Thanks for sharing.
    Merry Christmas with Peace & Blessings
    and May God continue to Bless America,

  2. Hi Lauren,
    I know you feel so good about getting things done!! Yay!!
    I just love your Magdalena rug and your labels look great!
    Hope you enjoy your Christmas and please stay safe!!! Rain here in AZ!
    Christmas Hugs~

  3. well look at retired Lauren! Good for you enjoying your holiday drive safe.
    Merry Christmas

  4. Wonderful rugs and I do have a few that need binding and a few to finish, thanks for reminding me. I am ready for fall to come back, lol. I enjoyed the temps, just right for being outside without too much heat or cold.


  5. Oh, how I would love to be caught up...not that it will ever happen. LOL

    Your rugs are so beautiful. I hope that you have an absolutely wonderful Christmas!!

  6. I think being retired helps a lot with the stress levels...
    Safe travels and have a very merry Christmas with your loved ones.

  7. You're so organized now! I hope that happens to me in retirement. A girl can dream. Lol. I'm sick of winter too. I went to the grocery store yesterday and it was CRAZY.

  8. I'm so proud of you....doesn't it feel good to be almost all done with the binding? My two still aren't completely bound but I'm working on it.

  9. Here! Here! I'm tired of Winter too! :-) Three cheers for finishing the binding and labels on your rugs! A very Merry Christmas to you!!!

  10. Morning Lauren, love that rug, good for you to finish.... Merry Christmas sweet friend,Hugs Francine.

  11. Have a safe trip. Have a wonderful Christmas too. How nice to be all caught up on your rugs. I love your labels. Yep, I have to run out to the grocery store, one more time. I wish you and yours all the best, Lauren,
    Merry Christmas.

  12. loved seeing your patriotic tree and all your finishes being finished! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas - glad to hear it was stress free and hope you have smooth sailing into the new year. Hugs Mel

  13. I really like your site and content so much,thanks for sharing the information keep updating, looking forward for more posts.



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