Monday, December 19, 2016

Almost ~

I love anything patriotic.  I have a tree that is all patriotic ornaments and also a collection of patriotic Santas. 
I have been almost ready for Christmas for at least a week and a half.  How come I haven't gotten there?  Maybe almost is all the farther I will get, but that's okay, too.  I got my packages mailed today and didn't even have to wait at the post office.  That was an unexpected treat.
The last of the Christmas gifts is finally bound and labeled.
I have nothing on my frame :(  I have plenty of patterns on linen and even more waiting to be transferred to linen, but at the moment nothing is screaming "HOOK ME", so I will continue binding.  My Magdalena rug is about half done and Ned is waiting in the wing.  Sure would be nice to be caught up with that chore.
Yesterday was TubaChristmas.  Always a fun time.  So happy my grandson still enjoys going.  This year was smaller than normal ~ only 80 participants ~ perhaps because of icy weather.  The tuba players ranged in age from 11 to 74 and came from many local schools and universities.  As I say every year, if you haven't been to a TubaChristmas, it's worth going. 
Are you almost ready?
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. The Kelley/Lauren mat is wonderful!!!! And must say that I adore your elephant ornament...hmmm, wonder why that is?

  2. I love your patriotic tree, Lauren!! And your rug is just gorgeous!!! I love Kelley's designs. I'm "almost" there too....everytime I think I'm done...I go out and buy something else...ugh!!! Have a wonderful week!!!

  3. Wow, you do have a large collection of patriotic Santa decorations. I'm still not all ready thanks to the bad weather and slippery road but hopefully this week I'll get the rest of the gifts. Everything I bought has been wrapped, I made some Christmas cookies and now I'm enjoying my family.

    Your rug turned out beautiful as usual.

  4. What a nice collection you have. I love that you go to a Tuba Christmas. I bet you had fun. I am so glad you are ready. I am pretty much. Nothing hooking though. I can't seem to settle down to that. Have a lovely week.

  5. What beautiful Santas! I must be out of the loop, I didn't even know there were patriotic Santas! LOL

    I am as ready as I will be. We are pretty low-key. I sent out my son and stepson's packages last week. Thank goodness I didn't wait until today...the line was at least 50 people! Hubby still hasn't picked up my gift, but that's okay, I know how to order yarn and cross stitch supplies on-line. LOL LOL

  6. What a wonderful collection and everything looks beautiful together.


  7. love those decorations! I am sure you will get there you always do
    Merry Christmas

  8. Love your 1880 rug !!
    Not to stand in line at the post office at this time of year !!?? You were one lucky gal !!
    Yesterday I stood in a line that was at least 15 people deep :/

  9. Everything looks so nice and love your rug


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