Sunday, November 27, 2016

'Tis the Season ~

Thanksgiving is over ~ time to put the turkeys away.
Now the mad rush to Christmas begins.  Every year I am going to be organized and not stress.  Maybe next year . . . sigh.  At least Thanksgiving was early this year and the fact that I am retired (though I still don't believe it) should help.  My niece and family along with my grandson stayed with me for the holiday.  It was wonderful having them here, but I am back to peace and quiet and loving it.  I started hauling boxes down from the attic but then took a break to mow my lawn.  WTH?  It's almost December.  I find it easier to mow the leaves than to rake them.  Even though we've had a freeze or two, I have a few straggler flowers blooming.  No complaints from me.
I still plan to hook a few Christmas gifts, but I have not even started them.  I think I'd better get busy.  They will be smallish, but still . . .   Are you like me and wait until the last minute?  I also need to make an ornament for one of the hooking groups I recently joined, fill a pair of socks for this week's guild meeting, shop, wrap, write cards, mail packages, blah, blah, blah.  So what am I doing?  Spending time on this dang computer.  No one ever accused me of being too bright . . . lol. 

Will I simplify this year?  Probably not.  My decorating style is very eclectic.  A few primitive pieces, some antique/vintage, things my boys made when young, decorations received from friends/family over the years.  Upon opening the boxes, I just can't resist putting them on display.  Sure wish I could say all my boxes have been hauled down from the attic :)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)



  1. wonderful turkeys. I decorated today and my daughter took a box of antique ornaments I was happy to pass along.

  2. I too put away Fall/Thanksgiving this weekend and put out Christmas. The older I get the less I haul up from the basement and display. Did help out with tree decorating at my quilting church today too. Now to start the shopping...

  3. Hi Lauren,
    Love all those turkeys, too!!! I plan to decorate later this week and am so excited to greet all my special Christmas pieces!!! It's THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME of the YEAR!!!
    Merry, Merry, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. I do miss decorating for Christmas...maybe I'll do a few shelves in the kitchen...have been enjoying all the turkey collections on display this year, your are wonderful...

  5. Mow the lawn?? Holy crap! I am a last minute shopper too. But this year I'm ahead on the decorating :)

  6. We're still blowing leaves because of two maples and one oak that refuse to give them up. And our garlic sprouted! We got the trees down, and I don't think I'm doing ornaments this year, just lights. Lazy lazy.

  7. I love your style of decorating! Hope you get all done with no stress. I always end up stressing this time of year no matter how much I say I won't!

  8. This post made me laugh !! We do a combo of raking and mowing leaves, also.
    One Christmas several years ago, I went through all the "Christmas boxes" and assembled just a few boxes of things that were "most important". All the other boxes are packed away. I now only bring out the "most important" boxes. It made the holidays so much more enjoyable.

  9. I mowed (mulched) my leaves once but definitely need to do it again. I used to go wild decorating for Christmas but since there's no SO in my life and I go to my son's house on Christmas no longer drag out everything. Will bring down the feather tree I made once I get the livingroom cleaned.

  10. I have always enjoyed your turkeys, that this year I started my own collection. When we went antiquing I found a couple and then I had some that I have got through the years. I love all of your turkeys. Yep, time to think about that decorating feat. You have such lovely goodies. I am so glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  11. Hi Lauren, I love your turkey collection, very sweet. Have not cut the grass for about a month now....... I put out some Christmas out already, love it and goes by to fast...hugs Francine.

  12. Fun turkey collection. I need to get my Christmas things out, not going to over do it, but then I start pulling things out, so who knows, lol.


  13. Oh my gosh that's what my living room looks But I am getting rid of a lot of stuff. I just want it gone and gone. If I haven't used it in 36 years, I doubt I will. It just has to go and it's feeling good making progress.


  14. Live your turkeys!! I just put my Fall stuff away yesterday. I cannot do Christmas decorating before mother used to wait till a week before Christmas and took it down the day after! Why can't we simplify??? It certainly sounds good, but just doesn't happen!! Have fun unloading those Christmas memories.

  15. Just think of it as being filled with treasures and wonderful memories. Love it all.
    Peace & Blessings as always,


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