Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Glorious Mess ~

Does your house turn disastrous when the Christmas boxes come out?  I hauled all the boxes down from the attic (MANY trips) and put them in the  pile I showed in the last post.  Now they are everywhere.  Some empty, some still full, some partially empty.  I seem to be totally disorganized jumping from one thing to another rather than finishing one area at a time.  Of course I had hoped to get more done today than I did. 
Celluloid Santa and reindeer ~
Sweet faces ~
Some vintage, some new ~
My dear brother brought me an early Christmas present today ~ a truckload of wood for the fireplace.  What a sweet guy, but I helped unload and my back is killing me :(
I'm almost done with my first little hooked mat for a dog lover.  Several more to go . . . sigh.  I'm thinking I'll add a row (or two) of black for a border.  Opinions welcome :)
We had another exceptionally mild day today ~ 60*.  It was so nice hanging the outdoor swags without freezing.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I see you have a santa collection, that is something I don't usually get, I have tons of cats though, lol. Now it is snowmen, they make me smile and something I can leave out in the winter, so I can decorate longer;) I think a couple of rows of the dark will be a nice accent on the rug.


  2. Oh my, that's a lot of Christmas in one place. LOL I will have one tree (under 3 feet), one tabletop tree, and one garland. Magic!! I'm done. LOL

    I like the black, sets off the paw. Have a great evening!

  3. You have got a lot of irons in the fire!!! And you absolutely have the coolest collections. What a great brother you have...even if he did make you work. Love the dog paw. Think a couple of rows of black might suffice.

  4. Your house looks like mine! What used to take me a weekend to do, my decorating is now taking a week or more! But I love it all! Love your Santa collection! Great gift from your brother, and a very thoughtful one. Love the little mat, and a couple of rows of black would be lovely!

  5. I see we have matching living rooms! This year I am determined to weed out! I did have some success with Halloween...got rid of three big bins. Hoping to do the same with Christmas. Love the paw...a few rows of black sounds good.

  6. Your paw print matt is beautiful and I agree, a few rows of black would really look nice.

    That's what my living room looks like when I bring all the Christmas decorations down. I'll wait till mid December before I decorate. I'm not in the festive mood this year.

    You have a lovely bunch of Santas.
    Hugs, Julia

  7. Morning Lauren, so sweet the paw print mat, love... Your Santa collection looks wonderful, love the Santa and reindeer. Hugs Francine.

  8. What a delightful mat you're hooking with the paw print. You have some wonderful vintage collections and the work is self-inflicted. Yes, your home will look very festive when complete. But just think.... it all has to be packed up again. Can't believe it really is Christmas time again.

  9. Hi Lauren,
    Your "glorious mess" holds some wonderful collections!! Love your Santas and I know you will work your magic and it will all come together!! The paw mat is darling and I agree with adding the black rows to make it pop!
    I will be making my own mess here in a day or two!!!
    Merry, Merry, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  10. Hilarious!!! I do have to say, that your mess is a bit worse than mine...LOL!!! Buy see thru totes...it makes it much easier to see whatcha got then digging through cardboard boxes....of course...I usually leave half of mine downstairs and don't even bother to open them...good luck!!

  11. LOL that is a lot of boxws. Easy to be distracted when your going through all those great decorations!

  12. Nice mess you got there. But you have such fantastic collections, there is no way to avoid it. You need a holiday hutch somewhere to enjoy them all year. I have two boxes and that's all I'm doing. Eight trees, some very small, good enough!

  13. You've got a great collection of vintage santas! It's only December 1st.... you're way ahead of me! :-)

  14. Just looking at your picture of all those boxes makes me want to take a nap !! Lol
    Love the santa collection.

  15. Oh Lauren, that's a lot of decorations. All very pretty but it would take me until February. Lol

  16. Oh, how I wish that was my pile of boxes! We have at least 16 huge tubs of decorations & until my kids get married & have homes of their own, I will continue to drown in 40 yrs worth of decorations. I love the black trim, it really makes it pop and adds a nice frame to the gray.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)