Thursday, November 17, 2016

Progress ~

I know I must say it every month, but I can't believe how time is flying by.  How can it possibly be Thanksgiving next week?  My niece and family will be in from Chicago.  She and hubby started the tradition before they were even married and have not missed one yet.  It's been 15+ years.  Unfortunately because of the cost of airfare, my California son won't be here for Thanksgiving but he did find a super deal for mid-December so we will have an early celebration with him then :)
Hooking has been slow going, but I am getting close to finishing Ned.  I finally reverse hooked the stem, leaves and flower pot and am much happier with it.
I have been crazy busy and barely have time to breathe.  Tomorrow DSO and I are heading to Michigan.  There's some shelving he wants from Ikea and then we will have dinner with his daughter before heading home.  Saturday is an ornament class with Rebekah L. Smith and Sunday we're heading to Erie, PA, for Cirque du Soleil.  It is a retirement gift from my boss and my co-worker.  What a cool gift :)  Speaking of retirement gifts, yesterday I had lunch with dear friend Dolly (who adopted one of my foster pugs and even though dear Eema passed away long ago, remains a dear, dear friend).  She gifted me these three pieces of treen to add to my collection.  Such a thoughtful gift.  You can read more about my treenware collection here.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. sounds like you are super busy.Enjoy!!!!!!

  2. Hope the weather cooperates for your weekend travels.

  3. Love that you are keeping the road hot in your retirement! Ned is looking good! It's a chilly 59 degrees here this morning and I'm loving it!
    Have fun,

  4. Your busy sounds so good to me Lauren. Enjoy your retirement. You don't need to die in the wool to have a great time.

  5. Good morning, Lauren. Isn't it funny, as soon as you retire, life goes even faster than before? LOL Your rug is looking fantastic. Ned is quite handsome.

    My son won't make it home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but found some reasonable airfare for January. I am excited...we will celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas, and his birthday all at once! LOL

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. sweet Ned! loverly treen pieces, great friend <3

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Time is indeed flying and you are as well!! Seems like you are one busy gal and I know you are loving it!! NED looks wonderful and your new treen pieces are sweet! What great friends you have!!! Happy your son can come see you, too!!!
    Enjoy your day, my friend!
    Heart Hugs~

  8. Flying by so fast Lauren. Love Ned, sweet rug.Blessings Francine.

  9. I'm an expert at reverse hooking. Your rendition of Ned is looking great. Good grief woman, how did you ever find time to work? You're a busy lady.

  10. You're so busy, it's an awesome way to ease into retirement

  11. love Ned and your awesome treen collection!!!!

  12. I think that your Interpretation of Ned is one of my favorites. And you have the most interesting collections!!


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