Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Finally ~

I'm finished with Ned.  I didn't think I was ever going to get him done.  I had so little to hook on it for so long . . . I thought when I retired I'd have hours to hook every day.  So far it has not happened and there have been a few days where I found no time to pick up the hook.  Maybe if I stayed home more???
I re-hooked the flower pot and stem and am happier with it.  I also added a scraggly mane.  Caroline Twigg (class teacher) thought it didn't need one because of the directional hooking of that body area, but I'm glad I added it.  I took pictures both inside and outside and couldn't get decent color.  The gold and teal are not nearly as bright in person.  Now it will join my growing pile of rugs needing binding.  (On a positive note, I did start to bind one of them.)
Our trip to Ikea was fun.  I've only been there once before for a very short time.  This time we spent a few hours walking around.  There is just so much to see.  For the most part, their furniture is not my style, though there were a few things I could easily live with.  
Rebekah's class was great.  She is such a sweetheart.  I don't have a finished ornament yet to share.  It was about an hour away and we ended up driving home in some near white-out conditions.  Ever since crashing on ice a few years ago, driving in bad weather frightens me, but thankfully there were no issues.
Cirque du Soleil.  What can I say?  The performance we attended was called Ovo (egg).  It was absolutely breathtaking.  So unreal what some people can do with their bodies.  We really did enjoy it, though we haven't a clue what it was about . . . lol.
I really must get busy cleaning and baking pumpkin rolls!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Ned looks good ... a binding you must go.
    Have a great Thanksgiving.

  2. I'm glad you hooked a bit of scraggly mane in there too; think it did need it. Yeah, I've one needing binding now too..... Big Red (Red Lion).

  3. Cirque du Soleil how I loved it when we saw it in Disney years ago. Love ned he is pretty wonderful. Lucky you getting out and about all the things not possible when you work full time.
    Happy thanksgiving
    pumpkin rolls sounds yummy

  4. Wonderful job on Ned...
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours with abundant Peace and Blessing,

  5. You are a busy lady, but what fun. And no worries about having to plan around a work schedule!! Can't wait to see your Rebekah Smith ornie. I so admire her work. And IKEA and Cirque de Soleil....what a treat. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. I love your rug! I know what you mean about being busy!!!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving hugs cheri

  7. I am so glad you are having such a wonderful time in doing all of these fun things. Have a lovely Thanksgiving.
    I do love your rugs.

  8. congrats on another super finish. happy thanksgiving, enjoy!

  9. I love your version, it is a fun piece of folk art.
    I am not into ikea, don't really get the hype?
    Can't wait to see what you made in class and glad you made it home safe.


  10. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving sweet friend... Love Ned so, beautiful finish.Hugs Francine.

  11. Hi Lauren,
    LOVE NED! He is just wonderful!!! Sounds like you have not slowed down one bit and have been enjoying some fabulous fun times, except for those white outs!! Oh but those pumpkin rolls sound so good!
    Heart Hugs~


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