Thursday, October 27, 2016

News About a Blogging Friend ~

Dear Julia, whose blog was Of Petals and Wool, has suffered a loss no parent should ever have to deal with.  In her words ~
". . . it would be so good of you to let them (blog friends) know that my daughter Nicole passed away. She was Dr. Nicole Bourque and taught anthropology to PhD students at the university of Glasgow in Scotland. She passed away in her flat (condo)  in bed after she wasn't feeling well for a couple of days. 
The accolades keeps pouring in from all who knew her from far and wide, her colleagues, friends and students and others.  She was so loved by everyone. She went over and above the call of duty for her students. She studied cultures and has travelled extensively all over the world.
My husband George and youngest daughter Christine, James and Daniel's mother  are in Glasgow looking into settling her personal affairs and effects.  They will ship some of her personal belonging and will have to decide what to do with the artifact that is all over her beautiful home. Everywhere she travelled she always brought back some treasures. On Sept, 27 she flew to Virginia at a conference to do a presentation and had returned on the 4th of October."
Please keep Julia and her family in your prayers.


  1. I am so sorry to hear about Julia's daughter and I do understand her pain. My prayers go to her and her family, I know how difficult this time is and in the days to come.


  2. I do not know Julia, but my heart breaks for her. I do not know her pain either...nor do I want to even try to imagine it, but she and her family have my prayers.....

  3. So sad. A parent should never have to bury their child. Prayers for Julia and her family.

  4. Very sad! I didn't know her either.

  5. There is no words to give. Julia is in my prayers how awful. I remember her going to visit her daughter and what a wonderful time she had.

  6. {{{{hugs}}}} & thoughts of peace and healing for all ~

  7. So sad .....just heart breaking

  8. I can only imagine the anguish this family must be feeling. Praying for comfort and peach for this family.
    Thank you for sharing, Lauren.

  9. My heart hurts for this family, Sending prayers,Hugs Francine.

  10. Yes..."prayer" and lots of it. My Sis lost her daughter aged 33 leaving 3 babies behind and the youngest (less than 3) will not remember her mother. I am still hurting and praying. God Bless this family.

    Peace for all,

  11. Was so sorry to get that news a few days ago, thanks for alerting us. That is not the way things are to work where the child leaves before the parents. My heart goes out to the family.

  12. So sad. I'm praying for her family. Just really hard news to absorb.

  13. That's so sad...I can't even imagine. I'm not familiar with Julie, but will keep her and her family in prayers....

  14. Oh my goodness!!! What a shock! Many prayers and hugs to Julia and her family....

  15. Hi Lauren,
    I was so deeply saddened by the news of Julia's loss and my heart aches for her and her family right now! My thoughts and prayers will be with them!! Thank you so much for letting us know!!
    Heart Hugs~

  16. Lauren,
    Am so sorry for your loss and especially of one so young. Thanks so much for letting us know.


  17. Terrible news. Thank you for passing the it along to us. So deeply sad for Julia. I miss her and her blog so much. Prayers for her and her family.


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