Sunday, October 30, 2016

Getting Close ~

I am getting close to finishing my Magdalena dog and crows.  I just want to be done.  I'm back to not sure if I'm liking it, but it is what it is.  I will learn to like it . . . lol.  For me, it's a biggie, measuring 25" x 30 3/4".
Next week I am taking a 3 day class through the Western Reserve Rug Hookers.  It's a class with Caroline Twigg of Eagle's Nest Woolens.  It is an open class meaning we can bring whatever pattern we choose.  I think I have narrowed it down to two.
Ned, by Woolley Fox, which has been in my stash for many years.  It is 20" x 35".  You will remember that our Saundra recently hooked this.  You can see it here.
 Or Proud Lion by The Sampling.  It is HUGE (for me) at 29" x 44".

Can you believe tomorrow is Halloween?  I thought I was gaining an hour of sleep last night and could not figure out why my iPhone did not update the time.  Well, duh, that's next weekend . . . lol.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love your Magdalena rug! The red in the leaves looks great. I so want to give this style of hooking a try. I like both of your choices for your next project. Maybe Ned because he is smaller and you just finished a biggie? Have fun!

  2. oh your Magdalena rug is beautiful ~ whatever you bring to camp will be awesome, but I'm partial to Ned ~ he reminds me of our Pinocchio :)

  3. Your Magdalena rug turned out wonderfully. I'm sure the other 2 will too. My hubby thought the time change was this weekend as well. What would we do without our electronic devices?

  4. I love them all. Your Magdalena rug is awesome. It sounds like a wonderful thing to do. I hope you have a lovely time.

  5. lol! I'm looking forward to turning back the clocks too! For now, I like it getting darker earlier... gives me an excuse to relax without feeling guilty! ;-) I vote for making Proud Lion your class rug... retirement gives more time to make BIGGER rugs? lol! ;-)

  6. Your Magdalena is great. I know that photos always makes wool look brighter than it is. But you could always use a little tea/coffee dabs to age some of the background. I've done that numerous times as well as using the dye from walnuts. It is a beauty you will enjoy.

  7. I love them both. have fun at the class.
    I hate daylight savings time so dark:(

  8. Happy Haloween Lauren, love that rug so, it's beautiful!!! Blessings Francine.

  9. I must be crazy... I am attempting for my first ever a hooked rug that will be 9" x 17". It is for the top of my foot stool/rest. So far I have it in my 17" Morgan hoop and just keep staring at the burlap. I am truly intimidated.
    Your Magdalena is wonderful. Love 'Proud Lion' too.
    Enjoy the day with Peace for all,

  10. Love your Magdalena rug!! You can't go wring with either of those pattern choices! Hope you have a great time at camp! Can't wait to see your pictures!


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