Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Saga Continues ~

(Edit . . . If you click on the picture, I think (hope) you can see the full size picture.)

"The best laid plans of mice and men . . .

We were up early ready to head to Independence, Missouri.  DSO (he really does have a name - Frank but affectionately known as Fritz) went to the car only to discover the tire was flat once again.  Another call to AAA and then calls to find a new tire.  The tires were almost new so he needed to find just one replacement.  After a couple calls thankfully a tire was found about a half hour away.  Once again we were several hours behind our desired schedule.

Our first stop was at Wooley Woolens but upon arrival found the shop closed since Janice Johnson was out of town.

We quickly headed to the Truman Library but had less than an hour to tour.

Here's DSO having a discussion with Truman.

From there we headed to the Truman House where the docents were just leaving.

Hopefully tomorrow our day will go a little more smoothly :)

Thanks for the kudos on my ability to post from the iPad.  It didn't go quite as planned.  I could not figure out how to enlarge the font or adjust picture sizes plus it took me almost forever (maybe I'm exaggerating a little) to get it done.  Tonight I started a post and deleted it by pressing one wrong button.  ACK.  It is so frustrating but I will try my best to keep you updated.  Once again I cannot adjust the size of the pictures so some of the pictures will only be partial pictures (the Truman House sign).  By the time I figure it out, Blogger will probably be obsolete!!!

And BTW . . . I can hook in the car using my Snapdragon frame.  It is actually working better than I anticipated.  The only thing that makes it difficult is if the frame is shaded or in the sun.  I started with an almost no brainer scrappy mat, this time runner size.  So far, so good except that I will most likely run out of the dark wool I am using to outline.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I hope tomorrow goes better with the car, but it looks like you still had a wonderful day.


  2. Oh boy.....I hope your vacation goes a little have to call ahead to see if Janice will be there...they travel least you're seeing some good things....I hope the tire situation gets resolved...take care :-(

  3. Hi Lauren,
    You and Fritz will certainly not forget this trip with not one but TWO flat tires!! So happy things seemed to work out in spite of that! Wonder what words of wisdom Truman had to share?
    Hope tomorrow is a "flat-free" day!!
    Hooking looks great, as does the post!
    Heart Hugs~

  4. We could use Truman right now. I hope the rest of your trip goes well. It looks like you are having a great time in spite of it all.

  5. Sorry you missed your wool fix, maybe someone on Facebook could tell you where the next one might line up on your trip schedule.

    Also sorry you had another flat. Hopefully you will be on or ahead of schedule from this day forth.

  6. Oh, that darn tire. Hopefully you'll stay moving now. And if you missed one shop, you have permission to buy at least twice as much at the next shop!! LOL

  7. I'm not sure which is worst, having a flat tire or missing on your wool shopping but I hope that things goes smoothly from now on.

    Your scrappy rug looks great and you can still hook the outline in a different color if you run out and change it later when you find a same color or once you get back home.


  8. So far your trip has been quite an adventure. I hope the new tire solves the problem.
    Love the Truman house. Fritz looks great but Harry seems a bit stiff. (Maybe he was having car troubles too.)
    Onward to the west! Please keep us posted with stories and pictures.

  9. Your post looks great and the pictures are fine. Good for you. Sorry the wooly place was closed. Love Truman's house. Hope you're both having a great time and stay safe on the road.

  10. I think so far your vacation looks like fun. I love how blue the sky is in all of your pictures. I am so impressed you can hook in the car. I hope you have a perfect vacation the rest of the trip!

  11. This reminds me I need to go up to Independence
    and go through the Truman Library again. I always enjoy it.

  12. Lauren, someone is doing a great job planning the trip. What wonderful places to see and enjoy. Kudos for not letting the 2-day tire fiasco to cut the trip short.

  13. I'd say you are having a grand ole time, in spite of a few setbacks. The best is yet to come. Hmmm, hooking while driving (as a passenger) sounds challenging. The scenery has been beautiful and the best is yet to come.
    Enjoy each day and travel safely.

    Peace & God Bless America . . .

  14. Dang! you didn't get to see Janice Johnson's shop - that would have been great! So cool that you are making a cross country car trip. Something my DH has always wanted to do - I hope we live long enough to have his wish fulfilled. Safe travels and happy trails - Mel

  15. Hope the rest of your trip goes more smoothly! I hate flat tires. Ugh.


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