Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Not Again :(

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  The iPad and I just don't get along.  I am getting very close to divorcing it, or perhaps throwing it out a moving car window.  I had all the pictures for this post downloaded earlier today.  When I came back to finish, the draft was G.O.N.E.  So decided to start over and all but a few of the pictures from our last day in the LA area are gone, too.  Gone from the iPad AND iPhone.  If you hear a scream, it is me :(

These are the only pictures I have to share.  This beautiful succulent . . .

. . . and these vertical planters made from old pallets.  So cool!

I couldn't come to California without seeing the ocean, so we headed to King Harbor in Redondo Beach.  The waters were very calm that day.

We are now in northern California at Fritz's son Matt and daughter-in-law Danielle's.  Here are the granddogs, Olive on the left and Rocco on the right.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)

1 comment:

  1. Darn I guess that happens to lots of us losing our pictures and posts.
    Love the ocean and those hens and chickens in the wall boxes


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