Sunday, September 18, 2016

Fortune Cookie ~

We went for a Chinese lunch the other day and my fortune cookie read "The principle business of life is to enjoy it."  That is just what I plan to do in retirement.  I have been so busy the last week and a half I feel like I'm meeting myself coming and going.  So happy I don't have the day job any longer.  I'm sure retirement won't sink in for quite some time.  I am still in disbelief.  I finally went for new glasses the other day (couldn't believe I've had the current ones for six years) and it was the first time I wrote "retired" for occupation.  That felt really strange :)

Yesterday I attended a small hook in on the shores of Lake Erie in Port Clinton, not quite an hour from home.  A beautiful setting I'm guessing not 50' off the lake, but had to stay indoors because of thunderstorms.  I can't believe I did not take the camera out of the bag ~ but then when I went to take a few pictures this morning, discovered I did not have the battery in it.  It was nice spending the day with friends doing what we love. 

I am back to working on my Magdalena rug.  Normally my rugs are on the smallish side, but this one I enlarged to about 24 1/2" x 31" which is huge for me.  I've never hooked a rug in true scrappy Magdalena style and I am finding it difficult, but I will persevere, at least for a little while longer ;)

Bought this sweet applique piece from friend Melissa (pattern by Rebekah L. Smith).  I can't believe it did not sell at our show last weekend.  It found a perfect home in my kitchen hanging by the sink.  Melissa has a knack for choosing perfect colors ~ both in applique and hooking.

I'm off to an outdoor show this morning so I'd best get off my duff and get ready to head out.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Good for you to be enjoying yourself and have it confirmed by your fortune cookie!!!
    Love your Magdalena rug and know you will do a beautiful job! Lovely piece by your friend Melissa, too!
    Enjoy your day!
    Heart Hugs~

  2. Hi Lauren, that was a good fortune cookie, great words to live by... Love the Magdalena rug, very sweet. Hugs Francine.

  3. You will enjoy your life so much now! Everyday will seem like a Saturday!! Love the rug! Talk to you later!

  4. Glad you're enjoying your freedom. You won't regret it.

  5. Lauren you will be amazed how busy you can be when your retired. Lol hugs

  6. did you sell your pieces yet? If so how well did you do?
    Love your rug and as you know I am soooo jealous of you and your retirement

  7. Your rug is coming out beautifully, love her designs.
    I think I do more and run around more being home than when I worked, lol. I always say self employed and artisan on my job section, you could say you are a hooker, that would be fun, lol.


  8. So happy for you. My experience has been that I am busier than ever in retirement....but I get to choose what I am busy doing. Much nicer!!! Love your sweet purchase.

  9. Hope you need security to drive you to the bank with all the cash from sales.


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