Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Buying Motivation ~

Well, I finally got on the bandwagon and purchased a fitbit.  I need something to motivate me to keep me moving.  BJ's Wholesale Club had them on sale for $100 and I'm hoping having spent the money will be the incentive to keep active.  (That would buy a lot of wool . . . lol :)  I was pretty excited that I did my 10,000 steps yesterday, even though that meant walking at 11 pm last night :)

My scrappy little hit 'n miss is done.  I did a bit of reverse hooking of colors that I didn't like (pink) and some that I thought were too bright (gold).  A few other light strips I toned down with coffee.  I have some coffee solution in the fridge (I never drink the stuff) and used a cotton ball to dab on the strips.  It is even bound :)  Have I turned over a new leaf and love binding?  Heck no, but I'm trying my best not to get behind. 

I'm going to do another, this time with three 12" squares to hook a table runner.  That should use up quite a few worms, but as hookers know, it's a losing battle.

I've also made a bit of progress on my Magdalena rug.  This is not easy for me, but it, too, is using some worms.

Have you noticed how drastically the weather has changed?  It is now dark by 8 pm.  Oh, how I dread the time change in October.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I got my Fitbit the end of June and love it. I did not realize how little I moved even with going to the Y 5 days a week. It is quite the motivator.

  2. i need a fitbit too. does it register how many loops we punch or pull? ;)

  3. I love your scrappy mat. Your going to love the scrappy table runner too. I can't wait to see it. I love all your work.

  4. Your mat is awesome and I can't wait to see your runner! Hooking is looking better and better. Do I dare pick up another craft?

    I would love a fitbit, but I can't wear it at work. Sad face. It seems silly to have one when I could only wear it 14 hours a day and I'm sleeping 7 of those. LOL

  5. congrats on the fit bit! I have a app on my phone that does the same thing. I love your mat your really hooking along on retirement.

  6. I usually use my, all trails, wish I had done that the other day to see how far we actually walked. Love how your rug is coming along.


  7. Wow ! You're really keeping busy ! Your mat is lovely. Glad to see you are enjoying all your extra time ! Maybe the seasons changing won't bother you too much, now that you are not "bound" to a clock because of work ??? !!!!!!

  8. good for you getting a Fitbit - I know a lot of people who wear them. Glad you finished the stripy rug - looks good! Gosh I know it's getting dark earlier BOOHISS! Have fun retired lady! Mel

  9. Hi Lauren,
    I got a Fitbit from my son but it would not sinc with my older phone so it was not working correctly!! Now that I have a new phone, I will have to ask my wiz SIL to help me set it up as I seem to be tech challenged! I did find out that my new phone actually does count my steps though, but who wants to carry their phone around everywhere??
    LOVE you new scrappy mat with your stone fruit!! Perfect!!!! Glad to hear you are enjoying your time and not having to punch a clock!!
    Enjoy your week!!
    Heart Hugs~

  10. Hi Lauren! Your Magdalena rug is hooking up nicely... Very authentic to her style! I've noticed the daylight hours are getting shorter quick too... :-(

  11. wow Lauren - Love your finished mat! Mine got set aside for a bit while I work on a Christmas present, but I hope to get back to it soon. Interesting that you're not a coffee drinker - there aren't too many of us out there!


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