Monday, August 15, 2016

The Windy City ~

Remember how I was procrastinating packing for the Chicago trip?  Well, about 10:00 pm decided it really was time to pack, not that packing for two days is a big deal.  I can count on a couple fingers the number of times my electricity has gone out in the 17 years I've lived here.  Yup, you guessed it.  Didn't want to pack by flashlight but decide to straighten up the hooking room . . . lol. 

It was just a quick trip to visit family in Chicago so grandson Jake could spend some time with his cousins.  Here are a few of the highlights.

The Chicago Cultural Center, a former library.  Just breathtaking.

What would a trip to Chicago be without a trip to Cloud Gate at Millennium Park, aka the Bean?

I love the reflection of the city on the Bean.

This is too funny.  Nephew-in-law Michael and DSO Fritz looked like twins.

Buckeye Buckingham Fountain (not sure how I came up with Buckeye ~ perhaps because I live in the buckeye state?) , in the center of Grant Park, was dedicated in 1927.  It is one of the largest fountains in the world.  If it looks familiar, it may be because it was featured in the title sequence of Married with Children.

Jake with his (2nd?) cousins Alexis and Sophia.  He does love his cousins :)

The flowers throughout the city are just gorgeous.  This is the only picture I thought to take.  (Sorry, if I enlarge it is blurry.)

There was so much more I wanted to do, but we only had one full day there.  Hopefully next time.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. you can tell Jake is having a great time!
    looks like fun I have never been there but it looks great.

  2. That must have been a whirlwind trip for all of you. Glad Jake saw his cousins and a good time had by all.

  3. What a great excursion in just one day. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time in a beautiful city.

    God Bless America...
    Peace for all,

  4. What a blessing you are to Jake!! Such fun seeing his cousins in Chicago....sorry about your power being out for a bit...I could never be Amish!

  5. So glad that you went to the Cultural Center - it is an oft overlooked gem! Hope you were able to do a bit of stitching!
    Blessings, Patti
    p.s. can't help myself - it's Buckingham Fountain ;)

    1. I knew that! And I read and re-read countless times before posting. I hate when that happens. Not sure why other than the fact that I am an Ohio buckeye???

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Looks like you had a lovely time and nice weather! Sorry your power went out! Hope everything matched!! We sure do depend on lights, don't we? Glad Jake got to spend time with his cousins! You are a wonderful Grandma!! Oh, and have to tell you I scored 4 pieces of old stone fruit and thought of you!!
    Have a great week!
    Heart Hugs~

  7. It looks like you packed in a lot of fun in one day.


  8. Fun trip. Love the reflection on the Bean.

  9. Looks like a well-filled day! I've been to Chicago many times...but never as a tourist it I've never been to any of the places you were. That cultural center looks AMAZING!! Too funny about the "twins"... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  10. What a fun time you had. Jake looks like he is happy to be with his cousins. Hugs cheri


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