Thursday, June 16, 2016

Stuff ~

I know I often say that time is flying by, and the month of June is no exception.  Here it is already half over . . . sigh.  We got a bit of much needed rain today.  I should have worked in the flower gardens this evening, but just couldn't make myself.  I'll have to work doubly hard this weekend.  I did snap a picture of my clematis.  It's probably 40+ years old, dug up from the farm where I grew up and I've had it for about 15 years.  It is a prolific bloomer.

The worms are finally sorted (unless I find more hiding somewhere).  It took me several days.  I can understand the hugs pile of neutrals and the darks, but look at that pile of green (to the left of the basket).  I don't get it.  I really don't use much green when hooking.  Now I must figure out how to store them.

All linen is not created equally.  When I first started hooking (11 years ago), I purchased some linen on eBay.  I have no idea whose it is or from whom it was purchased.  I found it very difficult to hook on and haven't used it since.  I found this piece and thought I would give it another try.  You can see I had started a dog and then tore it out because it was just too hard to hook on, especially being a newbie. 

I still find it unpleasant to hook on, but will use it to make a few sunflowers to be mounted on an old bedspring.  I am vending at a show in Michigan in the fall and thought I would hook a few fallish items.  I'm not sure why because last time I did the fall show, none of the hooked pieces sold.  Maybe I'm just a slow learner ~ or hoping to be luckier this time.  I will put away my dog and two crows rug for a while and concentrate on sunflowers and pumpkins.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Look at your piles of worms! That Linen doesn't look great for hooking good luck.

  2. Lauren your clematis is beautiful I have the same color, ours was here when we purchased the house I don't know how old it is and was shocked to hear how long they can grow....we cut ours down every fall.....

    I just love your prim looking......our gardens are full of weeds from this wonderful rain we've had but it will wait til next week, going camping girl the weekend.....

    Gave a great weekend


  3. Maybe wool worms are like just can't leave them alone overnight...LOL

    Love, love, love the sunflower! And your clematis, it is so beautiful. More so because it is a touch of home. Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Pumpkins, pumpkins and more pumpkins always do really well for me at my show in the Fall.
    Your purple clematis is beautiful !

  5. Lauren you've got such a little pile of worms! the light ones are is too short to hook on bad linen

  6. Love the purple clematis! I planted me one this year. Hope it gets as pretty! I love that it came from the farm where you grew up. Makes it even more special for sure.

  7. Morning Lauren,love the Clematis, so pretty, I don't have luck with them for some reason. So special that it came from the farm with you, I love that.Hugs Francine.

  8. Hello Lauren...gosh that's a beautiful clematis and a special one too! I miss mine. Live the sunflowers hookery.
    Have a great weekend...hugs Marg.

  9. What beautiful Clematis! I had one flower this spring.
    So glad you got those worms corralled. What a job!
    I have some linen from when I first started too. I can't stand to touch it. I pick it up every so often, and I just don't know how I could even work with it. I think its bleached so it is very rough.
    I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  10. I don' t know why...but none of the blogging updates are hitting my favorites on my I never see any til the next day...grrrr....

    Anyway...your climatis is just gorgeous!! How nice that you were able to bring it from your farm! I hate hooking on bad linen..I'm hooking on monk's cloth and I hate it!! Have a great day and don't work too hard in your yard!

  11. Congrats on sorting your worms. I store mine in zip lock bags which are usually open and put 4 or 5 bags in a pastic tote on a shelf in my wool room. Three totes in a row on the shelf with blue and purple in one, reds and oranges in another and golds on another.

    Love your clemantis! And perhaps your linen was a mix of something mixed with it. Good idea to use it for the flowers.

  12. I have some old linen that is silkier and smaller holes so I use that on small cuts, hate wasting when I got a roll of it.


  13. Beautiful clematis. I like those greens. Christmas trees, grass, and leaves?

  14. your flowers are beautiful! i can't believe how fast this month has gone,too. i 'm finally leaving for germany today!!! i get to see my brand new twins!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Wow - that's a LOT of worms! Hope you can find the perfect solution for storing them now that they're all sorted so nicely. Good luck!

  16. Your clematis is gorgeous. I thought I was losing mine but this spring I pruned it right now and it's growing like crazy now

  17. It makes it easier to use those worms when they a sorted! I agree all linen is not created equal. I am a linen snob! LOL Your clematis is beautiful!!

  18. I'd say you have a good stash of worms going there Lauren! I'm afraid to get all of mine in the same room for fear they would multiply even quicker! LOL! I hope your show goes well and your pumpkin and sunflower rugs will sell! Hook on some good linen to save your hands and wrists! That must be that traditional linen for those who hook with those little skinny strips!
    Cathy G.


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