Sunday, June 19, 2016

Color Me Crazy ~

In the last couple of weeks I've posted that I bought a rug pattern, a couple applique patterns and one applique kit.  I put away dog and crows to work on some fall items for an upcoming show where I'm vending in September.  So what do I do?  Order a kit from a friend who is selling lots of wonderful patterns and wool on Facebook.  (Check her out . . . Cindy Lott.)  I've always loved this pattern and knew one day I wanted to hook it.  I was sure the wool would be wonderful since the kit came from The Old Tattered Flag.  Meet "Antique Rooster", an antique adaptation.

Wool.  There's no such thing as too much, right?  Sweet friend Cathy surprised me with a box full recently.  That orange will make some wonderful pumpkins and a couple are perfect for overdyeing.  Blog friends really are THE BEST.  Thanks, Cathy.

Another weekend bites the dust.  They do pass quickly.  Heck, life in general is passing quickly. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Morning Lauren, yes I agree, blog friends are the best!!!!!! That is some beautiful wool there and that Flag pattern is lovely. Have a great week! Blessings Francine.

  2. I love the pattern, can't wait to see you hook it!! Love the wool from Cathy, nope you can never have too much wool! Lol
    Enjoy your Monday!

  3. Good morning,Lauren. What? Too much wool? That's like saying too much yarn, or too much thread, or too much fabric. LOL You are being so silly...and yes, that orange will be perfect for a pumpkin.

  4. Like Cammie I'm looking forward to you working on that pattern too. Lucky you to have such great friends.

  5. That pattern is right up your alley! Love the wool, Cathy is the best

  6. You can never have enough wool! Have fun with the project. :)

  7. I do love those patterns by Julie. I have always liked that pattern too. I am sure you will make it looks fantastic. Nope, you can never have too much wool. I think getting wool from friends in the mail is awesome*wink,wink*
    Yes, too short of a weekend. Yes, every thing is passing way to quickly. Have a nice week Lauren.

  8. I'm hooking that rug, but doing it in the light version. I have to has not been my most favorite rug to hook...but I'll get it done sooner or later. Great wools and you never can have too much wool!!

  9. Hi Lauren, I love rooster designs and this looks like a great one. Hope to see it finished soon. For us it is the first day of summer with a sweltering 106 temp. Staying inside and gonna work on some Fraktur designs I have been putting off for obvious reasons...not enough hours in the day. Thanks for your comments, I enjoy hearing from you.

    Enjoy your day and Peace for all,
    God Bless America too,

  10. what a great wool gifty - love the orange! The clematis is gorgeous - yep I'm catching up on blog reading - hope you have a good week - Mel


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