Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hook In ~

The Western Reserve Rug Hooking Guild always puts on an amazing hook in and this year was no exception.  Excellent food, vendors, door prizes and Chinese auction baskets.  I was not lucky enough to win anything, but did come home with a few things.  I was REALLY, REALLY trying to be good (which is NO fun).  Lord knows I don't need to buy any wool, but . . .  Betsy Reed (Heavens to Betsy) was there so how could I resist?  That top wool is almost identical to the wool I used for the flag canton on Daisy, perhaps just a tad lighter.  The middle wool is a great heathery blue and the bottom wool will be a good one to overdye.

The first booth I headed to was the booth of folk artist Rebekah L. Smith.  This darling little box came home with me.  Rebekah is just the sweetest person you could ever hope to meet and her work is perfection. 

She has an amazing sense of color and chooses the most wonderful fabrics.

I was also fortunate to be able to attend her mini class held during the hook in.  We worked on a little floss bag which I completed at home.  The heart is not stitched at the top so it can hold your scissors and a little pin cushion is attached.

On the back is a flap to hold your needles.  So sweet.

By the time I got to the rug show, people were already removing their rugs, but I will have some to share in my next post.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :) 


  1. Wonderful pieces, I do love her work and have her book, so more new projects to do in the future.


  2. Cute, cute, cute. Why is it we can't resist buying more wool? We need a support group. lol

  3. Morning Lauren, love the hooked pieces, sweet little bag with heart. Those hook ins sound like so much fun.Blessings Feancine.

  4. I love your bag so sweet! Looks like you had a great time.

  5. LOVE the sweet little bag you made !
    You can NEVER have too much wool ;)

  6. You brought home some great goodies. Always love a rug show.

  7. I would have had to bring that wool home with me too. I love the boxes. I am so glad you got to go. It looked like such a fun and exciting time.

  8. Hi Lauren,
    Lovely wool and yes, I agree you can NEVER have too much!! lol
    Your box is wonderful as is your sweet project! Great job! Looking forward to your rug show!
    Enjoy your week!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. love the little sewing bag you did in the mini class. So neat, love the wool applique scissor pocket. Nice to add wool to the stash especially from a vendor you love. Glad you had a good time ! Mel

  10. How fun to take a class from Rebecca - a sweet little sewing bag! Can't wait to see your pictures from the rug show - I can't imagine being in such a large crowd of hookers - it would be SO fun!

  11. Lucky you, to buy something crafted by Rebekah and take her class!

  12. What a wonderful time you had!!!

  13. Oh, that little box is too, too cute!! I don't even hook and I like those wools! LOL


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