Wednesday, June 1, 2016

A Few Loops ~

Don't you just love the scent of peonies?  I picked my first one today. 

In between the day job, yard work ~ LOTS of yard work, and life in general, I've managed to pull a few loops on my Magdalena dog and crow rug.  I'm working on the easy part.  I've drawn some squiggly shapes and hope to hook them in a somewhat Magdalena style.  Time will tell if I'm successful.  The next task is to sort the worms.  Many, many worms!  Most of them are 8.5 and 9's and I hope I can make them work.  The picture I'm working from seems to use a much narrower cut.  I'm sure you can give me some pointers, can't you Saundra?

Thanks so much for stopping by.  June 1.  WOW!
Hugs :)


  1. I think your the loops you have pulled look wonderful. This yard work stuff is never ending. I worked in the flowerbeds. You can't tell I did a single thing. Have a great Thursday.

  2. Oh if you want help tweaking then Saundra is the go-to-gal LOL

  3. Love the peonies, Lauren!! Mine are just about done blooming....can't wait for Saturday!! I'm bring a rug to bind...I only have about six of them in my basket...your rug looks really nice!

  4. I love watching the flowers bloom, a great mood booster after a long winter. That is going to be a fun rug to do, love the older designs.


  5. Gotta love that Kim, yup I'm the tweaking queen. I think 8.5 and 9 are good for that design. And in the Magdalena designs I've even used more narrow cut when there was a narrow area to 'corn row' in. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing better to use up worms on than a Magdalena. If you go to my blog and in the search engine top left, type in Magdalena all the pictures and blogs about the rugs I've hooked will be there. Can't wait to see more hooked. Now I'm going to go pull some loops as I just came in from pulling MORE weeds.

  6. Well the crows look great. Can't wait to see more progress.

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Your rug is looking great!!! Yes, peonies smell divine and look beautiful, but your stone fruit is just wonderful too!! I just bought some a week or so ago for a GREAT DEAL!! Now I have a new collection!
    Take care and enjoy your weekend!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. Afternoon Lauren, love the smell of Peonys, pretty color.... Your rug is sweet, love the design.Blessings Francine.

  9. you have been busy.
    and yes I love those peony but sadly none here yet.

  10. Good morning! Lots and lots of peonies in Iowa City. I fell in love! I would like to grow some here, but I don't think they would like California. It was a 100 degrees here yesterday. LOL I read that you needed to sort worms. I had a completely different visual. Thank you for the laugh this morning. LOL

  11. Love the peony ! Gorgeous color. This summer I will be planting apricot peonies.
    Your rug is looking wonderful ... Keep doing a little at a time and soon you'll have it complete, in spite of all the lawn work !


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