Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Meet the Granddog ~

Last weekend I watched my granddog Kali (the goddess of destruction . . . lol).  She is a year and a half old Newfoundland but she is ALL PUPPY.  Isn't she a beauty?  I think the ex-girlfriend got her from a puppy mill which saddens since it keeps them in business.  Supposedly the parents were HUGE, but she is small for a Newfie, making me more suspicious.  It is what it is and my son and grandson love her so that's all that matters at this point.

She thinks she's a lap dog.

By Sunday she started to calm down a bit ~ or so I thought.  I had her outside with me while I did yard work and when I wasn't paying attention, chewed her leash to shreds!  I may be watching her for 8 days later this month.  ARGH!  I must really love my son. 

I can't believe it's been seven weeks since Ellie was attacked.  I miss her so much and there are so many reminders of her.  Here she is getting ready to bury a bone in a basket of wool.  She had stolen it from Kali at Christmas.  I have not gone in the basket because I know it will break my heart to find it buried there.  Geez, I'm crying just typing this :(

This is how she was every morning ~ under the covers.

I've had to hire an attorney to try to recoup my vet bills which were over $5k.  The owner of the dog was only charged with a minor misdemeanor of dog at large (they said they could not charge him with vicious dog because the dog had never attacked or bitten before, but in fact it had attacked his daughter's pug last summer.  The police were called, but she did not press charges)  and because of that, the court could not order restitution.  My gut feeling is that the owner will try to say that I have no proof that it was his dog that attacked her.  I would just like to put this behind me . . . sigh . . . but I want him to take responsibility.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh Lauren I completely understand you not wanting to look in the basket yet. After I lost Maggie Mae it took me months to move her favorite toy off the kitchen table. Be kind to yourself and mourn in your own timetable.

  2. I can imagine how it breaks your heart to see her toys. It is always harder when we lose our pets to violence like that. I love two kitties to coyotes and it took a long time to stop hurting. I really think that Kali is part border, she has that look in her face and eyes and they are a handful. That could be why she is smaller.


  3. Kali is a gorgeous girl...no words for Ellie...knowing what happened to her breaks my heart...(((hugs)))

  4. We have four friends with Newfs and Kali does have a very different face. I was so surprised to see that it's been 7 weeks already. Can't the young man that came to help verify the identity of the dog? Absolute crap. I hope your attorney wipes the floor with these people.

  5. A woman that is close to us has 3 newfs and I think someone got tangled up somewhere as there face is more pushed in and they drool which it is better that she doesn't, what a devil she is and it is good she is loved.
    So sorry about Ellie I hope you do at least get your money back.

  6. Sweet Ellie, I think of you both often 💔. Kali is a beauty. See is small for a Newfoundland but that's not a bad thing. My college roommates parents had a 200 pound Newfoundland that thought he was a lap dog. First time I went to the house he ran to greet me at the door and pinned me up against the wall. Lol

  7. I'm sorry you're having these awful issues with the owner of that awful dog. My heart breaks for you when I think of Ellie. Your granddog sounds like a handful! But a sweet one!

  8. So sorry for all this heartache, Lauren. Hope you prevail and get your costs back. So very sad.

  9. Ellie had the sweetest face. Am hoping your lawyer will at least bring up the fact in court about his dog attacking his daughter's dog. If it is a jury trial at least the jurors will have the element of doubt he is faultless.

  10. My heart still hurts for you losing such a sweetie as Ellie, I could not imagine my life without my Angel.Sure hope you can recoup the money....... Your Granddog is a beauty and yes, puppies are a handful.Hugs Francine.

  11. Hi Lauren,
    I hope that somehow through each of these comments, you feel love and support from all of your blogger friends!! I can only try to imagine what you are feeling but trust that justice will prevail! Your Grand dog is such a pretty girl and sounds like she will keep you busy!!!
    Take care, my friend, and know you are loved~

  12. Kali is a beautiful dog! I had to giggle with the "Goddess of destruction" title... Those dogs have so much energy! Hugs to you for Ellie...

  13. I am so sorry and sad also about Ellie
    The same thing happened to me and my little girl pug Sissy, a huge dog not on a leash attach her as we walked on the sidewalk in front of a house in my neigborhood and I did press charges went to court and they did pay bill, then called cops pressed charges on me for sissy peeing on his yard !!! Sissy and I went to court and was put on probation !!!!!!!! 6 months

    There is no justice in our world anymore , REALLY

    Your grand dog is wonderful

  14. Oh Lauren it is too sad for words,Sometimes life is truly not fair but you go on slowly.
    I am so sorry for your loss.Your grand dog is a beautiful dog and looks so sweet.

  15. Oh Lauren it is too sad for words,Sometimes life is truly not fair but you go on slowly.
    I am so sorry for your loss.Your grand dog is a beautiful dog and looks so sweet.

  16. So sorry Lauren, I think your grand dog is so pretty though. I hope your happy days return again and that the owner will take responsibility for his dogs actions. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  17. Your grand dog is beautiful!
    So sorry about Ellie. I can only imagine how heart broken you are for her to lose her life in that horrible way. We expect our pets to grow old and leave us but not like that. I think the owner of the other dog should be held responsible. It frightens me that the dog could attack a child next time.

  18. Tell the owner of the dog that you will go to his homeowner's insurance company with a claim. He will have his insurance rates raised for having a vicious dog. A friend of my had her hip broken when a large unrestrained dog jumped on her (friendly, not an attack). The homeonwer's insurance had to pay for her surgeries and recovery.

    I am so sorry for your loss.


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