Saturday, May 14, 2016

Loocie ~

Last picture taken of Loocie

11.11.2005 - 5.12.2016
Rest in peace, our little princess

Words cannot describe what we are feeling.  We are numb, devastated, heartbroken.  Loocie died unexpectedly in her sleep Thursday evening while DSO was at school teaching.  She was my little girl, but she was his princess and constant companion.  She lived with him.  We are in shock.  That's two lost in seven weeks, both out of the blue.  It hurts so much. 

Please hug your furbabies and give them an extra treat or two.  Tell them how much you love them.



  1. Dear Lauren,
    May you and your DSO find comfort in each other and in all the special memories you share of Loocie!!! I'm so deeply sorry, my friend!!
    Sending LOTS of Heart Hugs<
    Julie xo

  2. Lauren-I'm so sorry to read about your sweet little Loocie. My heart aches for you guys. So glad that she didn't have to suffer. Will be hugging my dogs a bit tighter this weekend...and thinking of you and your DSO... -Mary

  3. Dear Lauren, So sorry to hear about Loocie. Hugs

  4. I'm broken hearted for you and DSO, but like Mary said, we are grateful she died peacefully in her sleep. Dreaming of puppy things and now frolicking with Ellie at the rainbow bridge. I hope Millie is with them. 💔

  5. So sad Lauren and hugs to both of you.

  6. Oh, Lauren...I'm so sorry.
    Robyn xo

  7. I am also very sad of your loss of beloved pets. It will take a while for both of you to heal from a double loss.

  8. I am so sorry for your loss.

  9. oh lauren, plz know there are those who ache with you both during your sadness...

  10. I'm so very sorry Lauren...hugs and peace to both of you...

  11. We all feel your pain. Hugs to you!

  12. I am so sorry to hear that Looci is gone and I know how hard it must be to have it happen so soon after loosing Ellie. My heart breaks for you and sending hugs to you.


  13. I'm so sorry about another loss in your lives. These furry family members mean so much and their loss hurts. Sending hugs your way....

  14. So very sorry!! We love them so much,,,, take care,,,,

  15. Lauren I am so sorry to hear of this deep loss. Two precious beloved friends just weeks apart. You are in my thoughts.

  16. So sorry to hear about Loocie.
    Please accept my deepest sympathy. I know how much she meant to both of you.

  17. Dear Lauren, I'm so very sorry about your loss. You are really being hit hard this year with two beloved pet gone so fast. Warm hugs.

  18. So sad.
    I'm hugging my Sadie just a little tighter right now.
    Peace and blessings for you and your family.

  19. Oh sorry to hear about Loocie. 2 heart breaks in such a short time. You guys are in my prayers. Take care.

  20. I am so very sorry to learn of your loss. I know how much it hurts. ...jan

  21. Lauren I am so sorry for your loss.

  22. So sad , my heart aches for you & your family ....

  23. Lauren, I am so very sorry for your second loss so soon! Sending you hugs across the miles and wishing that there was something that I could say or do to help...

  24. Tears are rolling down my cheeks as I read your sad news. My heart aches for you Lauren, Big Hugs Francine.

  25. Oh my goodness Lauren... I'm so very sorry!

  26. I feel so bad for you and Fritz....Loocie was one of a kind and she loved you so much!! It's not right that you have had to endure this heartache twice in less than two months.....

  27. Dear Lauren,
    I am just in shock and just heartbroken for the loss you have experienced in seven weeks. I will be praying for you.xxxooo

  28. I know how you are feeling right now. So sorry for your and Dso's loss. Sending big hugs your way. ~♥Amy

  29. Ohhh Lauren, I am so sorry. Such a sad loss. I feel your pain and will offer up prayers for your healing.
    Peace & Blessings to all,

  30. Awwww Lauren I'm so very sorry for your loss. Our furry children bring so much love into our lives and change us forever. (((hugs))) to you and DSO

  31. May you find comfort in her peaceful passing. It is just so hard to say goodbye to our leaves a huge hole in our hearts. I will be lifting you two up in my thoughts and prayers.

  32. so sorry to hear about all your pain lately Lauren. First Ellie and now this (sigh) - no consolation for you but that is why after showing dogs for 25+ years - I don't own a companion any more. The pain of loss and dealing with unexpected expenses - just can't do it any more. Love and hugs Mel

  33. I know the terrible pain of loosing such a sweet lovable furbaby.
    She was loved very much and she knew it. That is what my sister and vet told me when my fur babies died.

    Thinking of you

  34. I feel your pain. My heart breaks for you and your family. It's the bad part of having fur babies. Remember the good and be thankful for the time you had. Hugs

  35. I feel your pain. My heart breaks for you and your family. It's the bad part of having fur babies. Remember the good and be thankful for the time you had. Hugs

  36. I am so very sorry, Lauren. I cannot imagine how sad you and your family are with two losses.

  37. I'm so sorry for your loss. I miss my dear pug every day , still, after all these years. Sometimes his little furry ghost sits here with me at the computer, I see him from the corner of my eye...or in my heart. Remember the happy times, the funny times, the puppy times...of both your babies.

    lizzy at gone to the beach


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