Sunday, April 10, 2016


I should not have to get out my Uggs in April.  Don't you agree?  Thankfully we did not get the 8" of snow predicted ~ maybe 2-3".  Spring snows are always a winter wonderland ~ that wet, heavy stuff that clings to everything.  There were so many pictures on Facebook that I failed to take any of my own.  I hesitated heading an hour and a half away to the Gathered Treasures show in Mansfield, Ohio, since more snow was predicted, but since the sun was shining and the roads were just wet, I decided to chance it.  (Ever since I crashed on ice a few years ago I've become a weenie.)  I did encounter near blizzard-like conditions for about 15 minutes but arrived safe and sound.  I'm happy I did and met friend Sheila there.

Isn't it ironic that Friday I went to eat Lake Erie perch (YUM) at a local ethnic club and there were probably 150 people there and I didn't know a soul?  I drive an hour and a half away and I see people I know from Pennsylvania, Michigan and from all corners of Ohio.  Like minds travel parallel paths :)
I heard a few dealers say the crowd was smaller because of the weather but I hope their sales did not suffer too much.  I only bought a couple things.  I should be purging, not buying . . . lol.  I got this wonderful penny rug . . . 

. . . in beautiful primitive colors . . .

a small piece of paisley from Alice that I thought was green but is brown . . .

. . . and an old leather bound engineering book dated 1898 for my sweetie and a small birthday gift for a friend.  

There was lots of great stuff, but nothing else that screamed "BUY ME", at least at prices I was willing to pay.  I guess I'm getting cheap in my old age ~ or maybe I just have too much stuff :)  Sheila did buy a wonderful trencher for a super price and a small tobacco basket.  She did good.

A couple weeks ago I ordered a velveteen rabbit from Julie (Primitive Heartstrings) and he arrived this week.  Isn't he sweet?  Her work is perfection.

I love the little Xs on his belly . . .

. . . and the vintage key around his neck.

I finally started working on my taxes.  Every year I swear I won't procrastinate, but always do.  They are not difficult.  I use a tax program . . . sigh.  Maybe next year I'll do better :)

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I always say a bad weekend at home is better than a good week at work.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Looks like our snow is being replaced with rain for the next 24 hours. Hope you have an easy work week.

  2. We lucked out and the storm passed by, hopefully spring will finally come and stay, this week. Love the bunny, I do have a bit of velvet, maybe I should try some reproduction pieces.


  3. Loved your rugs and all stuffs. Be prepared to enjoy the climate. Here too weekend went off very fast...

  4. We were pretty lucky indeed....2" here in my neck of the woods of Ohio....but oh so so onto a day or so of trenchal rain, urgh....I am along with millions others, are ready for warm sunny days....I am a weenie too, hate driving in any nasty weather.....��

  5. Our snow hasn't melted yet, so freaking cold! I don't like to be on the big roads for any length of time because of my neck. But even if I went, the prices just have me baffled so I don't even want to look anymore.

  6. Springs snows don't last very long... but they do tend to arrive at the wrong time! lol! Glad you were able to get to the show and enjoy it! Julie's hand work is perfection!

  7. Lauren,,, enjoy ur blog! Your penny mat u bought is great,,,, glad u got there,,,, hate missing events like that!! I hate this up and down spring,,, hope soon,,,, its better,,, good hooking weather,,, take care,,

  8. Was great seeing you on Saturday. I am glad you had a safe trip. I got home just an hour before we got a storm on Sunday with snow and freezing rain.

  9. I'm so glad you went and had a great time with friends who also braved the weather to get there.I love your new velveteen friend and I'm sure he'll love being at your home. Julie's work looks meticulous.

    Hang in there, Spring can't hide for ever. I hope it's a good week for you.

  10. Pretty penny mat and lovely paisley whether it is green or brown. Will look great in one of your rugs ~ or just pretty to admire on display.

  11. Love it all from the penny rug, to the paisley, to your new bunny. Most of all I love the procrastination picture lol!!! That's me! Planning on finishing my taxes this coming Sunday...
    Blessings, Patti

  12. So glad you had a nice weekend. I am glad you were safe.
    I love your treasures. That penny rug is awesome and I love your little velveteen rabbit. I hope this week is a great one.

  13. Love the penny rug, Lauren!! ANd the velveteen rabbit is so cute!!! Glad you had a nice weekend whatever the horrible weather had to offer.....See you and Melissa in a couple of weeks!!

  14. Love the penny rug, Lauren!! ANd the velveteen rabbit is so cute!!! Glad you had a nice weekend whatever the horrible weather had to offer.....See you and Melissa in a couple of weeks!!

  15. Hi Lauren,
    So happy you were able to get to the show in spite of the bad weather!! Your penny rug and piece of paisley are just wonderful! I have been keeping my eye out for some, but so far, no luck! I'm so happy your love your rabbit and I must say he looks right at home with you and doesn't seem to miss AZ at all!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week, my friend!
    Warm Hugs~

  16. HinLauren, love the penny rug and your Velevateen Rabbit, Julie is so talented and sweet. Weather sure sucks, keep cozy,Francine.

  17. You are so fortunate to have so many wonderful antiquing opportunities in your part of the country! In our area there are very few, and primitives are difficult to come by. I do love that cute and vintage looking. Hope you are having a better week.

  18. The penny rug is so darling. I slid on ice once in the mountains. It is so scary. I don't blame you for being so careful. The bunny is darling Lauren! Have a nice time enjoying your treasures. Hugs cheri

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