Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Getting Close ~

Has anyone else had a terrible time adjusting to Windows 10?  I am just about ready to pull my hair out.  We are just NOT getting along :(  NOT-AT-ALL.

Nothing much to blog about, but here's my progress on the Out of Hand Rug Hooker Facebook challenge, with a big shout out to Kelley for designing the pattern.  I thought I would finish it last weekend, but I just don't know where my time goes and that darn day job cuts in to my play time.  Hopefully I will be done soon.  It's about 16 12" x 21 1/2".  I don't remember if I mentioned the tulips were hooked with antique paisley.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Your rug is beautiful and I love how you used the paisley.


  2. Our computer keeps suggesting us upgrading to Windows 10 we refuse......I heard it is a nightmare.....I love your rug.....tulips are just awesome.....I think spring is actually here in Ohio


  3. Sweet rug.. I haven't done any hooking lately have been trying to finish up some quilts first. But my hand misses the feel of the hook..

    I keep ignoring the suggestion to upgrade. Will wait until I am forced into it I guess.

  4. You kidding me? Don't you remember how I bitched, moaned and groaned before I returned the first Windows 10? As it turned out that one must have been a lemon because this computer seems to be working okay. However, the OS is way different than the Windows 7 which died.

    Your rug is looking spiffy and love the antique paisley flora.

  5. Sorry about your window 10 nightmare. My husband had to pay a computer technician to remove Window 10 off his computer. It interfered with his Dairy program to register the calves and other important stuff for the business.

    Your rug is looking great. Love the paisley tulips.

    Take care and have a good day.

  6. YES ...Windows 10 has been Very Frustrating !!!

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Yes, problems with Windows 10 here too!! I always thought upgrades were supposed to be better!! Just love your sheep rug and that paisley looks amazing!
    Enjoy your week, my friend!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. Wonderful Job... Love the design too.
    I uninstalled W10 and went back to my old W7. Glad I did.
    Enjoy the day with lots of Peace, Barb

  9. I refuse to use Windows 10. I luckily found that my computer guy could install Windows 7 Pro which is slightly different from plain Windows 7. Works good enough for this senior citizen.

  10. I work & play on a Mac ~ ;)
    love how your rug is coming along!!!

  11. Lovin' that sky - and the hill behind the sheep. This is gonna be a GOOD one!

  12. Great rug , I heard complaints about windows 10.
    Hugs cheri

  13. It looks so nice. Love what your doing with the sky. I bought a Mac a few months ago. Now that's a scary change. Still struggle at times with it

  14. Love the rug Lauren, very sweet.. I'm not changing to Windows 10, still getting use to the other.Blessings Francine.

  15. Hi, Lauren, I have been out of the loop for awhile with my Mother, who is now home from the hospital and nursing home. I hope you are feeling better. Will write you soon with more news. Love, Melinda

  16. This is great little mat! Such a sweet sheep and I like what you did with the movement in the sky, then straight lines in the grass.
    I'm an Apple gal... me and PC's are like water and oil... ;-)

  17. What a sweet sheep!! I like it. My computer is six years old...every time it reminds me to load Windows 10, I ignore it. LOL One day, my computer will stop working and I will be forced to upgrade. Until then, I'll take my chances. LOL Have a wonderful day!

  18. Very cute!! I love your sky colors and the way you are hooking it.
    The dreaded Windows 10!! I don't think it is you Lauren. The people who live here have talked about its problems and they are many. I personally have not upgraded but I will have too. It is the operating system.
    Have a lovely day Lauren

  19. Love the little sheep rug and my having to work really cuts into my fun time.
    I get off work thinking I am going to do so much then just set down in my recliner pooped

  20. ahhh so darling. I love the grass but I bet that was a bear to hook. hope all is well with you - Mel


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