Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Harbingers of Spring ~

It looks like our snowstorm is fizzling once again.  No complaints from me :)
These pictures may not look like much, but these sweet little flowers are harbingers of spring.  (Oh, lots of work to be done in the flower beds.  I have these crazy maple (yes, maple) trees that do not lose their leaves until late November, early December.)
Snowdrops and winter aconite (eranthis)
(They really are maple leaves.
That oak leaf to the left is not from my yard.)

Lenten rose (hellebore)

Daffodil buds
My little bunny is on his way to winter in Arizona :)  He was a 2015 freebie pattern by the Woolen Willow.
I'm making progress on my funky chicken.  You can see she's not very big but has to be hooked and prepped before Sunday's class with Annette Shaffer.  I'm not hooking those teeny tiny circles.  I'm thinking of using buttons.  I also hope to get the bunny hooked in case I have time to work on a second project in class.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Evening Lauren, oh the sweet little flowers are beautiful. Snowbanks still here in my gardens.. Love your funky chicken.. Blessings Francine.

  2. Where on earth did you find that wool for the chicken? I have looked for that kind of wool for a chicken forever. I think buttons would look great. Your bunny is lovely. It is so pretty. Your flowers are so nice. You are having such a early spring too.
    Have a great Wednesday.

  3. I love bulbs. You are so lucky to have daffodils!!

  4. I am loving that fun chicken !
    Isn't it great when you start to see little buds and blooms coming up.

  5. Buttons are a great idea. Can you show us the wool you are using for the chicken please. Looks funky

  6. love the button idea. You have been busy! I wish I could say the same.

  7. Oh, I LOVE that chicken! So adorable and funky! I am starting to have a few bulbs come up, can't wait for my flowers!

  8. I love that honeycomb wool and the red wing you are using on the chicken!!!!!

    My crocus have bloomed and my daffodils are blooming now too.

  9. It's on my list of things to do to learn to hook a rug,
    soon as I get my bedroom wallpapered and painted and new shades hung then clean entire house and paint the laundry room and do the yard work , well i'm going to hook a rug hahah

  10. Luck girl to already have spring flowers in your yard. I'm loving that Chicken rug and love, love that wool. Could you show us the wool you used. It'a beauty.


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