Sunday, February 28, 2016

Daisy's Been Put Out to Pasture ~

It's a blustery day here on Ohio's north coast, but the sun is out and it's 64* so no complaints from me.
My poor Daisy rug has been put on hold.  I haven't pulled a loop on her in a couple weeks.  As I said, I did get a little mat hooked for a swap and finished the February Rebekah Smith stitch along, but in just a couple days will get the next part of the pattern.  Sorry, but can't share either with you.  I'm currently working on this little bunny applique that will be heading west soon I hope.  It was a freebie pattern from Buttermilk Basin, if I remember correctly.  Oops.  The pattern is from the Woolen Willow.
I also need to get these two little designs hooked up before my class next Sunday.  They are small, but if I don't pick up my hook soon I'll have a hard time getting them done.  They will be cut out and mounted on old bed springs. 
AND . . . there is a new rug challenge on Facebook.  Kelley Belfast has shared a pattern for us to hook.  We have until May 1 to hook it and can't show what we are hooking.  You can find the link here if you are interested.  If you are not a member of the group, you can request to join.  SO . . . I guess I won't be having much to blog about for a while.    There's also the braided edge that hasn't been stitched to the little snowman mat.  And how much am I getting done sitting at this computer???
Congrats to Cathy over at Acorn Hollow :)  She is one of my longtime and most faithful followers.  I will send the magazine and book out to her soon.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Congrats Cathy!!!!!!!

    Lauren, I'm impressed with your hand-stitched edge is so uniform and straight. Love that polka dot chicken reminds me that I've a book of patterns by Margaret Shaw. Love her whimsical designs too.

  2. OH thank you soooo much it made my week! I was going to same the same thing that Sandra said your hand stitching is so amazing! I have not picked up a hook in so long I think I forgot how. I will say I am signing up for a weekend hook in in April so that should recharge my batteries.

  3. Evening Lauren, love the bunny. Congrats to Cathy, lucky winner.Blessings Francine.

  4. Congratulations Cathy on winning the magazine and book. What a great winning.
    Lauren, I echo the comments on your perfect stitching on that appliquéd rabbit. I love the way the grain of the wool fabric goes. Beautiful work.
    Have a great week. Hugs,

  5. Yes, your stitches are as perfect as your loops

  6. I always enjoy seeing what you are working on. You are so busy Lauren.
    Those little patterns are going to be so cute hooked and I really like your bunny.
    How nice it is so warm at your house. It is the same temp at your house as it is at mine. I think that is cool. I hope you have a lovely week.

  7. Thanks for letting me know, I missed that, will check out the challenge. Can't wait to see your hooked pieces, I have a bedspring and someday I will make something for it.


  8. Cute projects in the wings. You are way too busy, though. Can't wait to see your surprises.

  9. Such a busy lady - I don't know how you do it. I can't find that much time in a day/week to get done all that you do...what's your secret my friend.
    I'd love to get in on that challenge but I have a large wholesale order that is stopping me from doing any 'fun' hooking or punching.

  10. Lauren,You are so busy but your getting alot done good for you hugs cheri

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