Sunday, March 13, 2016

Daylight Savings Time ~

The thing I don't like about springing ahead is the hour of sleep I've lost.  I need all the sleep I can get which is never enough, but that's my own fault because I never go to bed early enough and 5:30 just comes too darn early in the morning.  I love the longer daylight hours in the evening even though it means going to work when it's dark out.  Soon yardwork will begin and my hooking time will be even less.  The farmer in me does enjoy going out and playing in the dirt.
I belong to the Western Reserve Rug Hookers guild and the theme of this year's hook in is "beach party".  Members have been asked to hook a small mat with a beachy theme that will be a door prize.  I've hooked this little whale mat (a slightly modified Polly Minnick pattern).  Not quite beach party, but I hope it will do.  He's about 8 1/2" x 11 3/4".  I've given him a shoe button eye.

The more I hook, the more I like plaid or textured wools.  This is the plaid used for the whale.  It's a loose weave so a bit stringy, but I do like how it hooked up.

I'm hoping to get another small sailboat mat hooked, too,  then I can move on to the challenge rug that's been on linen for a couple weeks.

I took grandson Jake to see Zootopia today.  Cute movie that I enjoyed, too.  Then it was on to a spaghetti dinner to benefit the local historical society.  And I wonder why I don't get much done . . . sigh. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Talking about daylight saving time. I turned my clock ahead last night and accidentally knocked off my eye glasses off my night table and broke off one side of the frame that hooks to the lens. I've been wearing them with only one side holding on to one ear. $$$.

    I never get enough sleep either. Love that wool. Plaid always hooks beautifully. I don't have enough plaids in my stash but then I haven't been hooking lately.
    I hope your transition to the new daylight will go smoothly.

  2. Your whale is really nice... and I liked seeing the wool you used.


  3. Great mat and I do like nautical themes.
    Jake sure is growing up, fun to hang out with the kids.


  4. Sweet mat Lauren. Jake is getting so tall, wow!!!! Blessings Francine.

  5. What a nice day! I can't believe how tall Jake is getting. I love that wool and that little mat. I think it turned out so cute. I like the staying outside longer, but not the getting up part. I dread that part. I normally wake up at 4:30 every morning and this morning it about did me in, I dread tomorrow morning when it is a have to. I will think you you Lauren when we are dragging ourselves out of bed. :)

  6. Hi Lauren,
    Believe it or not, we don't turn the clocks forward here!! So very strange as I have never lived in a state that didn't before!! I always hated to lose that hour too!! Love your whale rug....such a cute design!!! That grandson of yours is really growing up!!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Warm Hugs~

  7. I think your whale is beachy. I like the result of the plaid too. Movie and spaghetti sounds like a perfect way to spend time.

  8. Love the whale! Yawn ...sleep what that? ~♥Amy

  9. The whale turned out cute and anyone receiving it as a prize will be happy as a clam....get it...clam, water, beach??

  10. Love the whale mat! As a newbie I am still learning which wool will produce the effect I want. Can you please share the blue background fabric you used? Thanks!

  11. Great whale rug - I love that he's 'carrying' a flag - as if! Don't know ANYONE who actually likes daylight saving time - it's SO hard on the little ones and the elderly - and ME! LOL

  12. Oh my, I am adoring that little whale rug!!!! I spend way more time with family than hooking or stitching lately....those memories we are making mean the world.


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