Wednesday, February 10, 2016

More Sauder and a Give-Away Winner ~

Our trip to Sauder did not quite start as planned.  About 30-40 minutes from Sauder, still on the Ohio turnpike, a warning light appeared.  I looked it up in the owner's manual, and it was electronic throttle thing-a-ma-bob.  The Jeep was running rough but we drove on.  Thankfully got off the turnpike before it died :(  AAA was called and luckily Bobbie had already arrived so came to our rescue.  Melissa was sure she had blown the engine but it ended up being a dead battery.  Dead battery???  I thought a battery only started the vehicle, but I guess it also keeps the electronics working. 
Here are a few of the amazing rugs being hooked at the Sauder retreat.  Tulip Cross (so sorry I can't identify the hooker) is 48" x 48", me thinks.  Simply amazing with breathtaking colors.  Acorn Hollow Cathy, you hooked this one, right?

Dawn, our overachiever was hooking with handtorn strips for the first time.  I don't know how she got so much done because every time you saw her, she was socializing, not hooking.  She may have even finished before leaving.

Don't you just love this face.  Sweet hooking by Pam.

Charisse chose the most beautiful colors for her rug.  I hooked this one last year, but like her colors so much more.

Melissa was hooking this heart and hand.  I hope to share her finish soon.

Bobbie was working on a sheep rug and had just one small troublesome area to finish and decided to start on this antique adaptation.

Isn't this too cute???  The sheep were hooked Waldoboro style.

Check out the sweet little butts.

Just a fun rug.

Congrats to Susie.  She won my heart hooked with handtorn strips.  Some of you may recognize the name from eBay or Facebook.  She makes the most incredible pin keeps, sewing birds, etc.  Susie, you have three days to contact me with your snail mail address. 

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Love seeing all the rugs -- smashing! A real eye candy post!

  2. Wonderful rugs, love the santa and sheep.


  3. Hi Lauren,
    Wonderful rugs, but I especially love that first one!! Oh my heart!!! So much talent out there! Glad you made it too, with that bad battery!
    Congrats to Susie!! Lucky girl!
    Have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  4. Congratulations to Susie ! Yes, she is a very talented stitcher !!
    What is hooking Waldoboro style ??

  5. Such great rugs so much to love. I did do that tulip cross rug only the next bigger size. A very fun rug to hook.

  6. Thanks for sharing!! I have thought about hooking that Tulip Cross, it is beautiful!!

  7. Thanks for the nice rug show lauren. I'm glad you made it safely despite the dead battery. You're still looking at derriere are you? , lol. I love those butts too.

  8. Oh boy, thanks thanks thanks...Could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw my name come up as winner of the fun heart. I'm so happy!!! Sending email right now. :-)

  9. So many gorgeous rugs! Thanks for the "show". Glad your car fix was simple!

  10. I always enjoy seeing all of those wonderful rugs. All of them are so inspiring. I am so glad you have a winner.
    Have a wonderful day today Lauren.

  11. Wow, she was quite lucky it was just a dead battery and not a major problem with having to order parts for repair and mega bucks.

    Thanks for the rug show always love seeing what other people are hooking and their color chioces.

  12. Oh Lauren, happy for you the car fix was simple.... Love to see all the beautiful rugs, sweet on the Robin one.Blessings Francine.

  13. LOVE the sheep butts LOL
    I must find a group around here that does the rug thing

  14. many pretties!! Tough to choose favorites, but I am really loving that tulip cross, the heart in hand, and those sweet Waldoboro sheep butts!! How fun are they?!! I've done Waldoboro, but gotta say, it isn't my favorite thing to do LOL...hurts my hands! Congrats to Susie!! Yes, she was overblessed with talent!! Thanks for the fun giveaway my friend... Always loving your hearts...and your heart... Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

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