Monday, January 18, 2016

Tired of Being a Grownup ~

Do you feel that way sometimes?  I went in to have a tire repaired and tomorrow and about $700 later my tire won't leak air :(  My car has "V" rated tires, whatever that means, and it took 3 stops to find a shop who could replace them.  Not the way I wanted to end my three day weekend . . . sigh.
I did finish my Maggie applique.  Lots of wonky little straight stitches.  Quick and easy to do.  Now it will end up in the pile that needs "finishing".

Tonight I will begin to bind my Ellie rug.  I really ought to bind the two large rugs that have been done for a year or two.
Pattern by Lori Rippey
Homespun Prims
What Nots
Antique adaptation
Woolley Fox

Post #1000.  WOWZA.  How did that happen?  Lots of blah, blah, blah and more blah, blah, blah to come :)  Thanks so much for giving me a reason to blog.  My readers are THE BEST.
Congrats to Bev Waters who entered the mystery give-away via email.  Bev, you have three days to contact me.  Please let me know if you are a hooker or do applique so I can choose some wool for you.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. First, congrats to Bev on her win ~ whatever Lauren's mystery is will be wonderful for sure.

    There are MANY times I wish I were not a grown up. Particularly now wish I were not an OLD grown up.

    Goodness, That What's Not rug was huge for you!!! You should get an award for that.

  2. So funny my daughter said that just the other day. I have never heard of those tires you must drive a fancy car to carry your fancy self.

  3. I love your blah, blah, blah. That's why I tune
    in!!!!!!!!!! I've learned a lot through your blog
    and friendship. Thanks a bunch, Julia

  4. I wan't to be a kid too sometimes...
    I've heard of X rated movies but never heard of V rated tires. Is that good? lol... The things we learn on blogs... $700. sound a bit expensive. I hope that they don't take advantage because you're a lady.

    Your little applique looks cute. It was a fast project.

    I finished pulling hoops on my rug and now I have to dye some wool yarn to whip around the edge and get some more binding tap.I'll show it on my post as soon as I have time.


  5. 700 dollars?? Is that normal to fix a tire. What on earth kind of tires do you have? Yes, oh yes so tired of being a grownup. So tired sometimes of doing the right things. So yes!! :) You are working quite along Lauren. I think you are off to a great start!

  6. I've felt that way almost ever since I became one. Boo hoo on the tires... Hope that was to replace all....not just one? Love that stag rug! I must have missed that (almost) finish in my wayward absences. Congrats to Bev!!! Hope you show us what you surprise her with! Smiles & Very Frosty Hugs ~ Robin (BRRRRR!!!!)

  7. Everything seems so expensive these days and tires keep going up and getting fancier. Love your applque and rugs. Congratulations to Bev!


  8. What a bummer over that tire! Yes, I do get that not wanting to be a grown up thing. Definitely! 1000 posts. Wow! Love your rugs, love the applique too!

  9. Lauren... I wish we lived closer, because I'd love to help you bind your rugs. Yup, I'm a grown-up, who likes to finish rugs....weird, huh?

  10. Morning Lauren, congrats on 1000 posts, wow!!!!!!!! Love the stag rug, so beautiful.... To bad about the tire, yes, tired of being a grown up.Blessings Francine.

  11. 1000, congratulations my friend. I certainly enjoy your blah - blah- blah! :)
    I can not do a good straight stitch for anything...I do them on stems too. For as long as I've been doing applique you would think I would have it mastered lol
    Beautiful hooked pieces.
    No fun putting out that kind of $$ for things like tires, etc. But very necessary I guess.

  12. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I hate those large unexpected expenses..

    Congrat's on 1000 posts. Keep em comin

  13. Hi Lauren,
    There is NOTHING FUN about having to pay those outrageous prices for tires, or anything else! So sorry that it could not have been for something fun, like $700.00 worth of wool!!! Love all your projects, especially the Stag rug from Lori! Love that pattern!
    Your blog is ANYTHING but BLAH, my friend!!
    Happy 1000!!
    Have a wonderful week and stay warm!
    Warm Hugs~

  14. Congrats to 1000. Sorry about the ridiculous cost for your car's shoes. Great stag rug.

  15. I'm tired of being a grown up too...but wouldn't want to be a kid again if that makes sense...guess I just need a fairy that stag rug too!

  16. Lauren, being a grown up can be a pain but what is the alternative lol!
    I love your rugs and my you have been busy. Keep blah blah blahing! You are quite entertaining, hugs cheri

  17. Congrats on #1000!!! When you get done with your binding, I will send you mine. Love both of your finishes, but especially What Nots.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)