Wednesday, January 20, 2016

FUN New Finishing Book ~

You know how I feel about binding rugs and I know many of you feel the same way. Well, there is a new book out by Kathy Clark of Briarwood Folk Art. This is not your normal "how to bind a rug" book. Her motto is "Keep it simple, keep it fun and if possible make it a little sassy".  She has 11, yes count 'em 11, fun finishes to give your rug some pizzazz. How about a "wool wrap finish scrappy style"? Or an "easy peasy folksy finish"? "Asymmetrical curves finish"? "Sophisticated gimp trim"? They just sound fun, don't they?  To find out for yourself how to do them, you can order the book here.

I am thoroughly enjoying this book and hope to try one of her finishes soon.  I think you'd enjoy them, too.  And . . . she also sells some really great patterns.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. It looks like a great book and nice ways to finish our rugs. Just finished mine, so tomorrow i will bind it, I just use the yarn method, will be a chair pad so I don't want any extra around the edge.


  2. This looks like a great book to have.
    "Eleven" finishes ? Wow I can't even imagine.

  3. So many choices and am interested to see which one you choose on your next rug you bind.

  4. That a lot of ways to finish a rug. I bet they are not all simple.I learned of a new way to finish a rug by whipping with #6 cut strips of wool fabric without using a binding tape in the back, by folding the backing frontward instead of backward before whipping.


  5. Morning Lauren, great looking hook, can always use ideas and help, at least I sure can...Blessings Francine.

  6. Interesting! I'll check it out! As mentioned above, I also like the technique of folding the backing forward - which works for lots of different finishes.

  7. This looks like a book I need to have. I always love your recommendations Lauren. I always learn so much from what you use. Its Thursday! We are almost there.

  8. While I was downstairs looking through all my project shelves I found my books on making rugs and got real excited about trying to get started again ? we will see

  9. Looks interesting. I love her patterns.
    Made one of her Little Scrappers to look like my Buddy.


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