Sunday, January 3, 2016

A New Year ~

No resolutions for me this year.  I've copied this from last year's post . . . and let me tell you, I failed miserably :(  I actually gained a few pounds and purged maybe 2 bags of stuff.  ARGH!!!
"I usually don't make New Year's resolutions, but this year I have two.  The first is to lose the pounds I've put on this holiday season . . . sigh. . . . Secondly, I need to purge.  Not my fun stuff or antiques, of course no wool, books or crafty items, but clothes that I haven't worn in years, many things that I have no use for.  I'm not a hoarder, but I just have too many things because I haven't the heart to get rid of them.  Oh, I come by this justly.  My  mom NEVER got rid of anything."
My niece gave me this book for Christmas.  She is becoming a minimalist so is she trying to tell me something?  After hearing that my sister and my brother's significant other got one too, I didn't feel quite so special ~ or is that singled out? 
For this year, I have a "goal".  To spend more time with friends and family.  Make the time to do the things that are important to me and let other things slide.  No one will know but me.  Life is just too short and there are no guarantees. 
Then yesterday, I decided to head to a couple antique shops.  Of course I didn't come home empty handed.  I found some fun stuff . . .
. . . a tiny celluloid Santa ornament . . .

. . . a little "egg crate" Santa (even though he is just like one other I have) . . . sorry he is a bit blurry.  I didn't realize that until I downloaded to my blog.  Same goes for the snowmen :(
. . . another plastic snowman from my youth (the red-hatted one in the front looking remarkably like the red-hatted one in the back . . . lol ) . . .
. . . imitation scrimshaw whale's tooth (a composition of some kind) . . .

AND . . . another toy Singer to add to my collection.  This one is in great shape.
MERRY CHRISTMAS to me, thanks to my DSO :)
Today I've begun to un-decorate (de-decorate?).  Thankfully it goes down more quickly than it goes up.
It was wonderful to have two long weekends in a row.  Tomorrow it's back to reality.  I really like fantasy land better :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I'm like you with no resolutions this year. I much prefer goals and I have my list handy.

    Decluttering is an art that is very hard to master for most of us. I declutter a bit but bring something in to take it's place. It's an incurable disease, like wool gathering...

    Oh, that little singer toy is just so cute. I don't collect them but I would have probably picked it up myself if I saw one.

    Consider retiring and running to antique sales and shows...

  2. Hoping that the purging spell hits me big time. Not for my wool and hooking supplies but like you, all the damn clothes that I haven't worn in years. Slowly I've begun to go thru and purge just a little but there is a ways to go.

  3. There is always tomorrow to do the necessary things, today is for joy.

  4. Ha that is funny that they all got you the same book! I am purging big time not sure what gave me the energy but it sure feels good but don't get me wrong I still picked up a few things when I was getting rid of some things.
    happy New Year my friend

  5. I too have additional pounds and they seem to like my body because they just refuse to leave. I have downsized and continue to do so but would prefer to go down a size in my body.

  6. My goal this year to Lauren in to purge all the stuff that I don't use. I have unopened boxes in my attic that I moved to NC four years ago, do you suppose I need them? LOL Love your little treasures. I gave up buying little treasures when I moved too, not because I don't I don't love them, I have no where to put them!!

  7. Evening Lauren, love the toy sewing machine, never seen one before, cute. Neat Santa's, love to be on the hunt. Blessings Francine.

  8. You find the most fun antiques and vintage items. I need to declutter and it is so hard, lol. Clothes are easy, if they don't fit, uncomfortable or why did I buy that, they go. It is easy with clothes, I know someone else can use them, so find a shelter in your area and then you know you are helping others in the process;)


  9. Hmmmm... You are reaffirming for me that we are, in fact, twins from a different mother.... I, too, refuse to make resolutions...and I, too, so need to purge...however, I, too, cannot seem to get rid of things.... Clothing should be easy, yes...but as I try to condense my large closet upstairs to the new master closet downstairs, the dang things are breeding and multiplying....and just when I say "I'll never wear that again," I try it on and say "Gee, why don't I wear this anymore?" A disease I swear.... BUT...then, I realize we do, in fact, have different mothers when you you did last year (or was it the year before?) that things go down more easily than they go up. HELLO??!!!! I so beg to differ... Please come to my house and adjust my attitude on this matter sister dearest.... Smiles & Sista Hugs ~ Robin

  10. I've got that book too, Lauren... I bought it earlier in the year and made it through the first couple of chapters... pretty good. I have purged a lot of quilting-sewing-cross stitch stuff.... as well as a bunch of clothes and junk (that never gets used) from the attic and basement... I've got to say it feels wonderful!!! I no longer have that "stuff" to take care of, and can now devote all that new found time to the people in my life! :-) No resolutions for me neither... just trying to enjoy each day! Hugs ~Sharon

  11. I bought that book last year. I have been purging for the last 5 years, little by little.
    Love the tiny sewing machine. Have a good week.

  12. hit the jackpot for sure. Especially like the scrimshaw...very nice.
    Hmmm, subtle hints can be gentle nudges if needed or NOT.
    Yes, it is time to get back to routine. I wish Christmas could last all year...
    I LOVE it.
    But for now, have a Blessed 2016 with much Peace and Health,

  13. I love your tiny sewing machines. Such fun things to find. I haven't even had the brain power to come up with a single thing this year. I think not having any resolutions is just fine. I keep trying to escape to fantasy land, but reality keeps jerking me back. :)
    I hope you have a really special Monday Lauren.

  14. I have never kept any resolutions unless you count my stitchy ones so don't even bother anymore. I will say decluttering was a "major goal" that I've had for quite a few years but moving 3 times in 3 years along with downsizing fixed that one for me. It is really freeing to just clear out the clutter but I must admit that it hasn't stopped me from bringing new stuff in yet. LOL! And besides wool, books, antiques, ect is never considered clutter!

  15. O I don't bother with resolutions as Im too much of a fly by the seat of my pants gal :) Happy New Year my dear friend I hope its an Amazing one ...looks like your shopping it off to a great start ~hugs lil raggedy

  16. I am totally with you on your "goals"....they are dead on. I want to go shopping with you!! You find the best stuff. I am in love with the little Singer. And is that a spice cabinet behind your scrimshaw??? Looks lovely. Good for SO for sending you treasure hunting.

  17. You and my friend Sharon would love each other. She's a great treasure hunter too.

  18. I'm purging today...taking photos of things that have sentimental value but I don't want to keep...many are mom and dad stuff...on my way to only keeping what I love...have barely acquired a thing the past few years...but that wool cupboard you bought recently is often on my mind!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)