Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday Before ~

As I've said before, how did that happen?  The Christmas preparations take forever and the day is over in a heartbeat.
This morning I wrapped gifts at Barnes & Noble to benefit Ohio Pug Rescue.  The first hour was slow but the pace was picking up when I left at 11:00 and they will be wrapping until 11:00 tonight.  I hope we make lots of money for the pugs.  It is an all volunteer organization and every penny is used to help the pugs. 
Here's my snowman finish.  It was gifted this morning.  I do hope Dolly likes it.  I hooked a smallish version, about 14 1/2" x 14 1/2" and sewed a rusty jingle bell to the hat. 
A few more peeks at my decorating . . .

Off to get grandson so he can wrap presents then it's on to a local train display.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Hi Lauren,
    Love your snowman rug!! It is just wonderful!! I'm sure your friend will love it!!! Love your Christmas pictures too!! So many lovely things, but I especially love the three chalkware Santas with the samplers, and the pug dolls coming down the sweet!
    Hope your group raises lots of money for the pugs!
    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
    Christmas Hugs~

  2. Your house looks so warm and inviting Lauren. Your collections seems to grow every year.
    Love those pugs on the stairs and those old Santas.

    Hope your group has raised a lot of money for the pug rescue.

    My company has arrived and I might not have as much time on the computer.

    Take care and have a safe weekend.

  3. I love seeing your decorations! Merry Christmas!

  4. Hope your pug rescue raised lots of money. Love the rug you gave to your friend. so cute! Love all your decorating. I just don't have the energy to decorate. I guess I'm lazy!

  5. Nicely decorated for the holiday my dear. Love both of the Christmas rugs you hooked ~ the gift one and the one hanging. Let us know how much money was made and good luck with that.

  6. What a sweet rug Lauren! I love your displays. I have been listening to the stories of Santa's around the world. I never knew there were so many kinds. So I loved seeing the different kinds you have.
    Yep, just a few more day, we are in the home stretch now. Have a lovely week.

  7. Your home looks so lovely - I especially like those wood turned containers - are they bowls? Or S/P shakers?

  8. Always enjoy your decorating Lauren, looks so wonderful. Also your rug is adorable, love snowmen.Blessings Francine.,

  9. How perfect...I just love looking at all your wonderful collections...Your hooked snowman rug came out nicely, your friend is just going to love him... Love your Santa rug hanging on the wall too...Have a wonderful time with Jake...Being a grandmother is such a blessing...Merry Christmas...

  10. Love your decorations! I am so far behind. lol
    I have gifts to wrap, baking and finishing up th owl I'm making for my daughter for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you!!

  11. love all your decorating Lauren - I know it's a huge amount of work. the prim snowman for Dolly is so darling. Can't wait to start mine my friend. Hope your Christmas week is filled with joy - mel


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