Sunday, November 22, 2015

Musical Tables ~

I'm not sure what I did to deserve a friend like Dolly.  She recently downsized and had no place for these two antique tables.  She said if I couldn't use them, she would probably take them to the Goodwill.
They are absolutely gorgeous.  I am no expert, but based on the dovetailed drawers and square nails, I would guess them to perhaps be 1860's???  
They both ended up in the living room and the living rooms tables then went upstairs to the spare bedroom. 
I don't know much about wood, but I think this one may be maple and walnut . . . 

. . . with a birdseye maple (?) drawer front.

I'm thinking this one might be walnut . . . 

. . . with tiger maple drawer fronts. 

Whatever they are, they are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L :)  Thank you Dolly.
Grandson Jake is sporting new footwear.  Poor guy was tackled after wrestling practice and will be on crutches at least 3 weeks before he gets a walking cast.  He is really bummed about it especially since his cousins will be in from Chicago.  Please say a little prayer that he heals quickly.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lucky Lauren. Those tables are fabulous. Poor Jake, but that is one fancy cast

  2. You lucky girl to get these two beautiful tables. What a sweet friend that Dolly.
    Oh, poor Jake isn't looking very happy. i'll keep him in my prayers for quick healing.

  3. Gorgeous tables! Three weeks will fly by for us old folks but probably an eternity to young Jake.

  4. Aren't friends just the best..Your tables are beautiful.

    Sorry about Jake.

  5. Wonderful tables and so nice that she shared them with you. I hope Jake can heal quickly, no fun being a kid and not being able to have fun;)


  6. Those tables are gorgeous! Yes, bird's eye and tiger maple! Wow, nice friend, that Dolly...

  7. Beautiful tables! what do you mean he was tackled after wrestling practice? Poor Jake I hope he heals quickly

  8. Wish I had a friend like Dolly to give me two awesome tables. They are very nice! Bummer about Jake's foot. Kids can bounce back fast and heal quickly.

  9. Beautiful tables and you are lucky to have friends like that! Poor Jake, it's bad enough when an adult is forced to sit with a bum leg or foot, but a poor active kid? That is shear torture. Hope he heals quickly.

  10. Great tables ... Poor Jake, he'll be up and about in no time.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Peace to all and 'God Bless America'

  11. Beautiful tables! I'm glad Dolly offered them to you before she took them to goodwill.
    Prayers for quick recovery for Jake! Make sure he drinks lots o' milk (with cookies)! :-)

  12. Awesome tables it's always nice to find a good home for fine furniture if they had gone to goodwill someone may have painted them😿

  13. B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L about sums up your new tables - what a wonderful, generous friend! Lucky you! (poor Jake)

  14. So happy to see the tables found a perfect new home with you. That patina is just gorgeous! Poor Jake

  15. Hi Lauren...I'm late getting around to visit these days. Your tables are absolutely gorgeous! Birdseye and tiger maple are my favorite woods. Poor Jake! No dancing for him for awhile! Saw your new piece of's a beauty. It's addictive...beware, you might be hooked now.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Big hug...

  16. those tables are exquisite. I love pieces like that. The one with the single drawer looks a bit like my antique sewing table but the top lifts to reveal an inside cavity where a lady stored her tools and treasures. I hope you enjoy them greatly, what a friend Dolly is. your poor GS having a bum foot during the holidays. Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful ! Mel

  17. Those tables are gorgeous! The one drawer one looks very shaker! Sorry your grandson was injured -- poor kid. Hope he heals quickly. Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Wow, beautiful tables! Lucky you! Prayers for Jake & quick healing. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours!!

  19. I love those tables!!
    Poor Jake , Prayers that he gets better soon. I loved your Thanksgiving pictures of pugs! Hugs cheri


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