Sunday, November 15, 2015

From Our Hands ~

Friday evening I attended the preview of the From Our Hands Show in Peninsula, OH.  I've never been to a show with so many talented artists gathered in one place.  I can't begin to describe how wonderful it was.  If money was no object, I would have needed a U-Haul to bring my goods home.
Sorry the picture is so poor, but this was in the booth of Greg and Mary Schooner

The next two pictures are the booth of Christine M. Miller of Somerset, PA.  She is the mother of Rebekah Smith.  I see where Rebekah gets her talent.  One of Rebekah's daughters is a talented fraktur artist who also vended at the show.

I purchased the hanging star from Christine.  Made from vintage fabrics and hand sewn, it is much more muted in person.

A couple pictures taken once the crowd began to thin.

My other purchases are this sweet little papier mache box by Pam Gill, tiny scissors from Stacy Nash (Christmas gifts if I can bear to part with them) and a little Schooner piece. 

I am nearing completion of my challenge rug and finally decided on the wool for the dog after changing my mind many times.  Once I started hooking him, I'm thinking the color (value?) is too close to that of the horse.  I hope to go hooking tomorrow evening and will see what others think.  

Yesterday I got together with a college roommate I hadn't seen in 20+ years.  What a fun time.  You'd think we had just seen each other last month.  We vowed to not let another year go by when we don't get together.  She's about 5-6 hours from me, but drove about 2/3 of the way here.  Thanks, Kathy :)  Sorry I did not get a picture :(
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. A show like that would be heaven. Can't wait to see your finished challenge piece

  2. How fun to see your college room mate! What an amazing show you got some goodies for sure.

  3. I'm so glad you had a great time with your long time friend. Lots of talent at that show for sure. You never come home empty handed. I love that little star.

  4. I'd love to go to that From Our Hands show. There are so many artists in that show that I admire and whose work I'd love to see in person. Sigh. Lucky you! Love the rug so far. The dog is very close in value to the horse, but that's just in the picture. Maybe it's different in person? Love your purchases! Fun that you got together with your friend too!

  5. Love all 3 of your purchases. WOW, what a day that must have been.... all that wonderful talent. Can;t wait to see your rug finished, it is looking great.

    As always EnJoY the day with Peace for all,

  6. How nice you got to go to that show!! It looks lovely and I think I would have had such a hard time not going crazy.
    I am so glad you came home with such goodies.
    Have a lovely week.

  7. I saw lots of goodies that would have come home with me too. Great to see old friends and am sure you had a wonderful time with her. You've accomplished a lot more on your challenge piece than I have and it is looking good.

  8. Perhaps a dark outline around the dog? I like the choice of wool for the dog.

  9. Sounds like a fun time at the show. One of these years I'm going to go, if i can get around in my scooter. lol My problem is i would want to buy everything.

  10. How wonderful to be able to attend and what loverlies you brought home.

  11. Evening, what a great show, you done good I would say Lauren. Blessings Francine.

  12. Hi,Lauren, I need to write you, the show looks wonderful. I was wondering whether you went. Have been having blogger troubles, I have to start my reading list all over.


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