Saturday, September 5, 2015

So Sorry ~

I lied.  Celebration XXV does have a binding problem.  Some of the pages are falling out, but I will still give it away.  See the previous post if you are interested.
This was the sunset last evening down at my sweetie's.  Too bad I didn't have a camera with me less than five minutes earlier.  It was even more spectacular.

Today I am working on pin cushions for the upcoming hook ins where I am vending.  I don't really enjoy making them, but they have been well received.  I live in a three bedroom home, but the only place I have to sew is on the dining room table ~ not a good place to try and hide your mess :(

Strawberry pincushions in various stages of completion.  The hand dyed pink and black velveteen came from the Old Tattered Flag.  I still need to make some from antique paisley.
I haven't made enough progress to give you an update on my Ellie rug, and not many loops will be pulled before heading to the hooking retreat at Lakeside.  I was going to say in a few weeks, but it is in less than two weeks.  YIKES.  I need to hustle.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Binding problems or not, a copy of the Celebrations would be great to win. Always great to see beautiful rugs.

  2. What a nice give away you're offering. Good luck to the winner.

    Your sunset photo is so pretty. It's hard to believe it was even prettier than that...

    Your table looks like mine up in my hooking room. I have an awful mess up there and I'm barely there to hook. I put wool to soak a day ago and it's still in the crock pot. Yikes. I just thought of it now.

    Take care.

  3. I totally agree with Karen! Yeah, gurlfren, I know all about the mess but it is art in progress. AND it is income in progresss so ya gotta do what ya gotta do to be productive.

  4. Thanks for reminding me that I ordered velveteen from Tattered Flag too. But where the hell is it?

  5. Hi Lauren...Happy September...I am so pleased to know Autumn is around the corner...You have been a busy gal, lots of wonderful hooking projects, as well as hook-ins...I love your velvet pincushions so very pretty...I applaud you for showing your creative space...Travis and I can pretty sunset too...Sending hugs from Maine, Julie...

  6. The sunset is gorgeous!! Nothing like one on the water....a rarity for me, as we rarely end up anywhere where there is an ocean or lake. Can't wait to see your pincushions. I used to stitch on the dining room table, too. Thank goodness for my sewing room, now I can just close the door and walk away without anyone having to see my mess.

  7. I don't see your table as a mess at all. I see beautiful things being created.

  8. I love those pinkeeps and I love seeing your genius on the dining room table. :) I feel like cat in the hat. Yes, I would take that book, yes, even if the binding is loose. Only it is too early for me to make it rhyme. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Ybusu bee, love those pin keeps, so sweet.Blessings Francine.

  10. I can see why they are popular. They are so dang cute

  11. I love your strawberries and your sunset. I haven't had time to look at my celebration book yet so I don't know if I have issues.


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