Saturday, August 22, 2015

Featured Hookers ~

Such fine hooking.  I'm guessing most of her pieces were done in a 2 and 3 cut.


Her animals just take your breath away. 

Happy Saturday.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. OMG, they are beautiful pieces and I hooked my Rottie Memorial in #3 but the #2 would be like hooking with tooth floss except the floss is stronger.

    Still struggling with Windows 10, have lost all my contacts and cannot figure out how to send them to my new Windows 10 from my iPad which has them. SO, please email me and I'll add you as a contact. Ask me how I'm doing with Windows 10....NOT!

  2. These rugs are more like paintings or pictures than rugs. Unbelievable. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow! Those are some intricate rugs..I agree with Jacqueline, they look like paintings.

  4. Wow! Those are some intricate rugs..I agree with Jacqueline, they look like paintings.

  5. Wonderful rugs and nice to see Maryann honored. I have her book and she does have a wonderful way with color and shading.


  6. Oh my gosh, that is just incredible!! I had to keep telling myself they were hooked. She even had shiny eyes. What works of art. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Wow! It always blows me away when I see the detail and the artistry beyond belief in these types of rugs!! I admire and love them but then go back to my own primitive simple rugs and love them too! Much less taxing on my old brain! LOL! Thanks for getting and sharing the marvelous pics Lauren!
    Cathy G

  8. Hi Lauren,
    WOW!!!! These are just incredible!!! I can't even imagine hooking many of them!!! They look like paintings!!! Thanks so much for sharing these beauties!!
    Warm Hugs~

  9. Thanks, Lauren, for the pictures. Always inspiring. The animals are so real like, such details. I so admire people who can hook in the small cuts. I'll stick to my primitive, simple rugs.

  10. just catching up on blog reading after vacation - loved seeing your amazing photos - I know its a lot of work to shot and post all these photos and I always dream of going to Sauder - so I can always experience a taste thru your blog posts. Thanks ! Mel

  11. Incredible rugs, so much talent.Blessings Francine.

  12. Sorry Lauren for being late to comment. I was dragged away just before I could comment this morning and I'm trying to catch up now at 11:10 at night.

    The rugs are just incredible and I'm so grateful that you are posting these for us . You have such a generous heart. Thanks from the bottom of my tired old heart.
    Good night from extremely humid Canada.

  13. Having never been to a rug show, they were candy
    to my eyes. Thank you for the rug tour. Loved
    every one. Julia in SC


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