Sunday, August 23, 2015

Celebration Rugs ~

If you're tired of seeing rugs, skip this post but please come back later in the week :)
The following rugs are in Celebration Of Hand-Hooked Rugs XXV.





In person the background is the most wonderful teal blue.
I can't believe the weekend is over and I did not pull a single loop :(
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Wow, some of those pieces are incredible

  2. How lucky you can get to Sauder Village to see these in person. Thanks so much for sharing these with us.

    The rugs are incredible.

    Thanks for always sharing with us. I so appreciate your efforts.

  3. What a privilege to be able to see these in person......maybe some day.

  4. Hi Lauren,
    Absolutely INCREDIBLE RUGS!! Once again,
    Thank You for sharing them!!! I believe that Donna Hrkman is going to be at the October meeting here in Redlands! I'm really excited to be going!!
    Take care and have a great week!
    Warm Hugs~

  5. Wow, such beautiful rugs !
    I am really amazed by the pig rug.
    The hooker captured perfectly the movement of them running in their pen. Gorgeous.

  6. I don't know how the judges could pick one over another because all of the rugs are incredible! Lucky you - getting to see them in person.

  7. Wow! I think my favorite has to be the one by Mariah Kraus! The shading makes the woman look so real!!! Wow!
    Yes... weekends keep on zipping by... i think it's the panic that Summer is almost over, so we cram even MORE stuff into our schedules to enjoy every last second! :-) That's my story anyways... ;-)

  8. WOW, just WOW! They have definitely taken rug hooking to a new level.

  9. Thanks for sharing all the pictures - loved seeing each of them! I'm pretty impressed with myself - I've hooked a little for each of the last six days - yay me! LOL

  10. The details in these rugs is just amazing , must look even more spectacular in person . Thank you for sharing.
    I'm not ready for Summer to end , it went by toooo fast !

  11. Awesome rugs by some very talented people. Frankly I don't know where the last two weeks went. Am totally exhausted and my pattern order isn't ready to ship yet still.

    Nothing new to show on Hester since I've been drawing master patterns to draw the real thing, taking care of neighbors I need something else to do to complicate my already discombobulated life. Oh well, there is always tomorrow.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)