Saturday, June 20, 2015

Simple Patriotic Project ~

Raid your kids/grandkids sports stuff.  Walk through a park where there are ballfields.  Check out yard sales (I found one for $.05 a couple weeks ago).  If the balls are dirty, just wash with some dish soap and let dry.  Barn red, antique white, dark blue acrylic paints, an antiquing medium and some spray sealer are all that is needed.
A few years ago I made one.  I tried to get my lines all straight and paint real stars.  Not this time and it was so much faster and so much more fun.

Close up of a star.  You can see how primitively they are done but still look great.

After painting, antique as desired.  Let dry thoroughly and give it a few light coats of the spray sealer.
Hope your weekend is off to a great start.  It's that time of year again near the shores of Lake Erie ~ Canadian soldier time.  Oh, how I despise these creatures, though they are supposed to be a good sign.  The more that hatch from the lake, the healthier the lake.

My clematis - exceptionally gorgeous this year.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful vine. I wish I could grow them but our soil is hardpan.

  2. I was excited about the Canadian Soldiers until I
    surmised that they are bugs!!! Love the flower pics.

  3. What a great idea! I like all of the red, white and blue this time of year. Well then those are they May Flies? It is a good thing if the lake is healthy. We get them too, I never paid much attention to them until you mentioned them.
    They get on the outside of the house under the porch light. Your Clematis looks so nice. Have a wonderful day.

  4. "Canadian soldiers" sound so patriotic...but no, wrong soldier. Love the balls done up in red, white, and blue. And, after the party is over..."Let's play ball!" What could be more fun!

  5. Love the balls -- what a creative thing to do!

  6. Lauren, you have a lot of great holiday decorations and always knew you had a set of balls. Good paint job. tee hee; the devil made me say it

  7. Hi Lauren,
    What a clever idea and what a great gift for Father's Day!!
    So patriotic too!!!
    We used to get bugs like that in PA and we called the May Flies!! Not a fan of all!!!! lol
    Your flower is just gorgeous too!! Wish I had a green thumb!!! sigh!
    Hope you have a great week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. Those are so cute. Beautiful clematis. I was scared mine was killed under the tons of snow and ice but it's vines are starting to climb the trellis again. I guess it's tougher than it looks

  9. I love the baseballs! ho boy is your clematis beautiful.

  10. Loving the Clematis, so pretty Lauren. I love the Patrotic balls, looks so good and hate the Fishflys. Blessings Francine.

  11. Lauren you always have such clever and neat ideas! The baseballs are so cool!! I love anything in the red, white and blue!!
    That clematis is gorgeous!! I should plant one again as I so enjoy them when their that full and beautiful!
    Canada can keep their soldiers... lol but maybe if they are a sign of healhty waters then they must be good for something!
    Have fun this summer!
    Blessings and hugs!!
    Cathy G

  12. Canadian soldiers, I'll be darn... I didn't know they were called that.

    Love the cleaver idea of painting the balls. Your Clematis looks beautiful.
    We're getting more rain today and grass and garden are growing faster than I can keep up.


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