Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It's Here ~

Not the 4th of July, but the arrival of Rebekah L. Smith's book.  Oh my.  It was worth the wait.
The book is chock full of eye candy.  Many full size patterns are included.  Supplies needed, stitches, hints, tips, how-to, instructions.  It is all there ~ and more.
Here are just a couple patterns.  (Please excuse the glare.)

I love this idea for storing bits of wool.

If you are new to wool applique or a seasoned veteran, this book is a must have.  You can sit for hours just drooling over her work.  This is one book you won't be sorry you bought.  (Available on Amazon.)
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. Thanks Lauren for the tip on the book. I'll order it
    tomorrow. I love wool appliqué and have done
    a lot of it, mostly penny rugs. Julia

  2. I didn't order because I would only like to do the box tops, not the fabulous mats and larger pieces. I know. I'm weird. But if you think the tips are worth it, I'll order. Thanks.

  3. Oh my, guess most of her designs could also be adapted to hooked pieces, right? If so then I'm sold.

  4. I was so excited to go out to the mail box and there it was, I love it and I have looked and looked at it. I would love to do every single project in that book. I love her directions too. It really is such a nice book. I am so glad you got yours too. You mentioned on your blog and I bought it on Amazon way back when. It is so pretty.

  5. It looks like a great book and beautiful wool projects as well as ideas for the home.


  6. I love it too and want to stitch each and every project !!!
    Blessings, Patti

  7. Hi Lauren,
    Still waiting for mine to arrive!!! I have been so anxious for this one and can't wait!! Hope it comes tomorrow!!!
    Warm Hugs~

  8. It does look like a great appliqué book and everybody is excited with you. I never tried wool appliqué but it looks like fun since I love making appliqué quilts.

    Enjoy... I'm looking forward to seeing some projects from this book.
    Have a great day.

  9. My book arrived earlier in the week--it is a wonderful book full of projects, ideas and how to's Definitely worth the investment

  10. Looks like a great book. I too like the storage idea for wool scraps!

  11. Hi Lauren, I agree, looks like a great book.Blessings Francine.

  12. Looks wonderful! I'll have to put it on the wish list.

  13. Looks great. That should keep you stitching for awhile

  14. I love her work and this book is at the top of my want list.

  15. Yippeee! I've admired her work for a long time. Love her style! :-) I got my copy of the book last night... hoping to get some time tonight to read through it.... and plan some Summer stitching!

  16. Yes, that does look like an interesting book to have. I LoVe the look of using " olde" jars to hold scraps, spools of thread and other " needfuls" have a great weekend!
    Hugs Marg.


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