Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mish Mosh ~

Just a little of this and that.  As always, I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday.  This very long week just flew by.  Does that make sense to anyone else but me?
I am sorry if I sounded whiney my last post.  I really didn't mean to sound that way.  I enjoy blogging and plan to continue.  Now whether I make another 900, I haven't a clue, but I will give it a try. 
This was the sunset over Lake Erie a couple of weeks ago.  Once the sun starts setting over the lake, it goes down fast and we barely got there in time.

My neighbor's magnolia (?) tree is always breathtaking.

Our Loocie a few weeks ago after going to the vet.  This poor little girl is just a mess.  She had a cyst on her back paw, something icky under her chin and an infection.  She is only 9 and not aging well, but she is just so DANG CUTE :)

I thought I'd be done with my robin a week ago.  I'm close but instead of being able to sit and hook now, I must go cut the grass.  The joys of home ownership.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Beautiful sunset, beautiful rug! You're not's just disappointing that blogging interest has really gone down..I don't have the time or energy to post much any more...nor do I have anything of interest to post about...most of my days are filled chasing a one year old! I've noticed that in even the most popular blogs, the comments have really decreased in number...oh well...remember the old ebay groups...the blogs kind of did away with FB is doing the same thing to the blogs....

  2. Beautiful sunset, beautiful rug! You're not's just disappointing that blogging interest has really gone down..I don't have the time or energy to post much any more...nor do I have anything of interest to post about...most of my days are filled chasing a one year old! I've noticed that in even the most popular blogs, the comments have really decreased in number...oh well...remember the old ebay groups...the blogs kind of did away with FB is doing the same thing to the blogs....

  3. Hi Lauren, beautiful sunset and the Magnolia tree is stunning. Sweet Loocie is so adorable, hope she is going to be ok..... Love your Robin rug, great colours.Blessings Francine.

  4. You didn't read as being whiney at all. Hey, I remember the 9-5 or beyond those hours 5 days a week and it ain't fun. I always loved the TGIF.

    Enjoy tomorrow, especially if it is pay day.

  5. Hi, Lauren, You weren't whiny at all, I would have commented on that post also but computer was so slow, couldn't get it to respond. The sunset pictures are beautiful. Poor little Loocie, hope she is better soon. My kitties sometimes get something under their chin, I just call it kitty chin crud, I think it is a bacterial infection caused by food getting stuck, I just clean with a cotton ball and hydrogen peroxide. Melinda xxx

  6. I never even noticed any winning from you dear friend but I've noticed the decline in posting on blogger and even commenting from faithful friends who now only comment once in a while. I always wonder, "is it something I said or are they getting irritated at me"? Maybe the novelty is wearing off... I just don't care for Facebook because it's really too much in my face. I yearn for a slower pace and for people who really care from the heart.

    I'm still following on Blogger but I'm not posting as much as I'm plum worn out and tasks are multiplying, honest... I'm getting old, bent and I don't really care anyway. haha. As long as I have some really nice people like you to cheer me up, it's all worth it. Hook on and blog on sister.

    Poor little Loocie, her looks just breaks my heart. I just want to holds her. Getting old isn't for sissies.

  7. That was a great picture of sunset and I would give my right arm for a flowering Magnolia tree like that. Wow.

  8. Yes, all of those home things do get in the way of hooking. Like my timer going off right now, telling me dinner is ready. :) I love those pictures of the sunset. I bet that is the only way I will ever get to see that. I am glad you are going to keep blogging. I would miss you. I am so glad it is Friday too, it has been a fast/long week.

  9. I read your blog everyday. Love to see you dogs. Keep up the good work....

  10. Poor little Loocie. I hope she's feeling better now. You feel so helpless when they are sick. I won't be mowing for a bit yet but soon I should get the old mower tuned up. The grass is just starting to green up here

  11. That sunset is spectacular.
    But, that Loocie steals the show. Oh, how kissable !!

  12. Glad you are still blogging. Would miss you very much if you stopped. Poor little Loocie. Hope she is feeling better.

  13. Poor Lucie; one feels so helpless when a pet is sick because they can't talk and express their feelings or explain where it hurts.

    As much as the warmer weather is wonderful it sure does bite into ones creative and relaxing time, doesn't it. Did you have the opportunity to just sit and watch the sunset with your SO with a glass of vino?

    Hey...'tis Friday!!!!!!

  14. OOPS, forgot to tell you how great your hooked bird project is looking.

  15. Awwww.... give little Loocie a hug from me! :-)


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