Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Congrats to ~

Thanks to all who entered my post #900 give-away.  I know blogging is not as popular as it used to be, but I was surprised at how few people were interested in the wool.  I guess next time I will have to think of something my readers might like better :)
So . . . congrats to longtime follower, Trish - Miccosukee of Florida.  Send me your snail mail address and I will get your wool mailed out. 
No matter how many pictures I took nor in what light, I just couldn't get good color.  They are much more subtle and muted in person.
Many, many thanks to my readers who take time out of their busy day to read my blatherings.  I really do appreciate you.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I must have missed this one, lol. I have been looking at blogs but my concentration levels are down so I don't notice things and haven't been commenting. Congratulations to Trish, I know she will love and use the wool.


  2. P.S. I love your blatherings ;)

  3. congrats on your milestone lauren, and to trish on your good fortune!

  4. Lauren.... I like your blathering and your blog!

  5. The wool is beautiful, Lauren! I haven't blogged in over a month. I think everyone is on FB..but I sure enjoy reading yours!!

  6. Well I think your giveaway was just sweet. Congrats to your winner. I like the colors. I always enjoy your posts. I have learned so much.

  7. I love your blog but don't hook! Please keep it up!

  8. What giveaway? Not only do I not receive all comments in my email, I am not getting all posts in my reader. Must have missed it!

  9. Congrats to Trish on her win. I love reading your blog, don't give it up as there are so few that pertain to hooking.

  10. love to read your blog! love your rugs!!

  11. Congrats to Trish. Your blog always entertains and I look forward to your postings.

  12. Hi Lauren,
    I think between FB and people outside w/ yardwork and what not this time of year blog reading may be taking a hit! Congrats to Trish! She will love your wool package! What beautiful wools!!
    Your blog is a must read for me although I'm guilty of not commenting as much as I'd like! Keep up the good dyeing and sharing of your results! It's helping many who may be thinking of trying it and need some reassurance!
    Hugs and Blessings!!!
    Cathy G

  13. Congrats to Trish! I didn't enter because of how long it's been since I hooked...would have felt guilty to win...Lauren I too love your blog and look forward to reading...lot's of vicarious fun for me

  14. Congratulations to Trish on her win.Sorry I missed this one ,sure was some beautiful wool. What an awesome accomplishment for you Lauren. Blessings,Jen

  15. Congratulations to Trish on the generous giveaway winning. What a lucky girl.
    I've noticed a decline in blogging too.

    Happy Mother's Day to you too.

  16. Congrats to Trish, blessings Francine.

  17. I;m sure sorry I missed the giveaway opp but I've been a lucky winner before so I probably should have declined anyhow. Love what did with your dyeing. Lucky DS is right - going to Hawaii on a whim - whoo hooo - how fun is that. congrats on post 900! hope your week is going along wonderfully - mel

  18. You mean I actually won? And it was a give-away from one of friends? I am doubly blessed. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and offering the fruits of your labor. I'll send you my snail mail address and eagerly await the package
    Pug hugs to you.

  19. I think your colors turned out well and with a nice old patina. Congratulations Trisha.

  20. Oh I was interested but holy cow do I have more than my share of wool.
    love it lauren it can out beautiful.

  21. Still love blogs myself. Instagram is cute, but lacks depth, as does FB. Thx for continuing to share.

  22. Congratulations Trish! Dang - somehow I missed your giveaway :( . I think lots of people are interested in your wool (including me) but just missed it with busy weekends, the From Our Hands workshop or the PSS retreat. It looks like you learned some lovely techniques.
    Blessings, Patti

  23. Thank you for blogging. I enjoy you blog do much. Kat

  24. Hi Lauren,
    First off, a BIG CONGRATS on your 900th post!!!! Wow!!
    I really enjoy your blog and encourage you to keep it up! I no longer do FB and love blogs and blogging so please start working on the next 900 posts, ok?
    I have not been on my computer much in the past few days so I somehow missed out on your lovely Giveaway, but many congrats to the winner!! The wool is really lovely and I'm sure she will enjoy it!!
    Thanks for being so generous Lauren!
    Warm Hugs to you~

  25. Hi Lauren,
    First off, a BIG CONGRATS on your 900th post!!!! Wow!!
    I really enjoy your blog and encourage you to keep it up! I no longer do FB and love blogs and blogging so please start working on the next 900 posts, ok?
    I have not been on my computer much in the past few days so I somehow missed out on your lovely Giveaway, but many congrats to the winner!! The wool is really lovely and I'm sure she will enjoy it!!
    Thanks for being so generous Lauren!
    Warm Hugs to you~

  26. Congrats to the winner! I still prefer blogging over any of the other medias... in fact, I don't even have a facebook account... lol! I would have loved to have won some of this wool... but, I have TOO much woolly stash at the moment and feel that someone else in bloggyland could use it more than I could...:-) I really need to get back to hooking so I can use up some of my stash! ;-) Have a wonderful weekend!

  27. Congratulations on your 900th post, Lauren, and congrats to Trish, the winner of that beautiful wool! I missed out by not getting on my computer for the past week...hectic life right now :-(

    Hugs, Linda

  28. Oh my I missed out.
    This new working thing is not fun at all.
    Congrats to the winner of my very favorite thing!
    And congrats to you too Woolie Friend


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)