Wednesday, March 25, 2015


How did it get to be Wednesday already?  These weeks, months, years are just flying by.  Easter in a week and a half?  I never even got any Easter decorations out . . . sigh.  Maybe next year.  (But I think I said that last year, too . . . lol.)
Saturday we celebrated March birthdays.  Here are two of my favorite bad boys, son J and grandson Jake.  Jake is now 10 and getting so tall.  My brother Bill and yours truly also turned another year older, but no pictures :)
Mr. Britches is coming along.  He is hooking up quickly and I may actually finish (and even bind) him before Easter.  All I have left to hook is background and I enjoy the mindlessness.
My goals by Easter are to finish and bind Mr. Britches, bind the pug rug, hook and bind the paw print mat and do a little applique bunny mat to take as a gift on Easter.  ACK!  I'd better get busy.  Tomorrow is hooking at the library.  Hopefully I can get quite a bit of hooking done and remember to take the camera out for some blog fodder.
Thanks so much for stopping by. 
Pug hugs :)


  1. The days and months seem to be going faster and faster. I have way too much to do and need time to slow down;)


  2. I can't believe Easter is coming so quickly. Your rug is adorable and so are your "boys"

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jake and J. Hard to believe, Jake is already 10 and we're getting older too.

    Mr Britches is looking great and I think that you're being hard on yourself. You need to slow down, you're making me look bad, haha. I'm still dragging on my grandfather rug. It's always a toss up between computer of rug and computer wins most of the time...

    Have fun hooking at the library.

  4. Happy birthday to all you march babies I have several friends that are March birthdays too. I love your mr Britches.

  5. Happy Birthday to you and yours! Mr. Britches if adorable!
    Annie and I send a big birthday hug your way!

  6. You go girl! I'm still plugging away on my 'mittens' rug. It's a huge one so I'll give myself some slack.
    Happy Birthday to your two sweet guys there.

  7. Happy birthday to you and yours Lauren! Jake is growing up so fast. What a cutie pie he is. Your Mr. Britches is coming along nicely. I Haven't hooked a rug in months! I'm trying to decide what I want to start soon. Something in my stash or draw something up? Hugs, Lori

  8. Happy Birthday to you and yours!! Love your bunny rug!

  9. What do you mean Easter is a week and a half away??? I just had to look at the calendar. Oh my gosh!! How bad is that? Here I am blissfully unaware it is that close. Gosh, my son did tell me spring break starts for him after he gets home from school today. Oh well, April is almost here.
    I love that bunny rug and I do hope you had a lovely birthday week. Jake just looks like he is filled with so much joy.
    Have a great Thursday,

  10. Birthday wishes to you Lauren. Love Mr.Britches, what a sweet rug.Blessings Francine.

  11. Happy Birthday to you and your sweet fellas!! Love the rug and yes, it feels like time has wings!!!
    Springtime hugs to you~

  12. Hope everyone had a great birthday including our favorite hooker.

  13. You've quite a laundry list of things to accomplish and I'm applauding you. Mr. Britches looks like a dapper bunny showing up for his date with a flower. CUTE!!!!


  14. Happy March Birthdays! The rug is adorable!

  15. Happy Birthday to you, Lauren, and to all your March babies! We have three in March, too!

    Your Mr. Britches is sooooo cute!


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