Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hooking F-U-N ~

It was a good day hooking with Donna from Crows on the Ledge.  So nice to see some old friends and meet some new.  Of course I didn't take many pictures, but do have a few to share.
Mary Ann's antique adaptation was stunning.  She did finish whipping the edges.  It is much larger in person than it looks here.

Kaye was working on another antique adaptation.  She always picks THE BEST, dirty old colors.  Don't you just LOVE that face?

Peggy was hooking this piece using cotton chenille.  It gives it a very different look.  

I am so sorry I don't recall the name of the hooker who is working on this piece.  It is a design by Michelle Micarelli and I believe Michelle did all the color planning.  I can't even begin to imagine hooking such a complicated piece. 

Win was hooking this sweet welcome rug.

Linda was working on her carpet bag.  Isn't the little bunny too sweet?

My hooking partner in crime Melissa just started this Susan Feller fraktur eagle in the morning and by afternoon had much more done.  WONDERFUL :)

Here's the progress I made on Mr. Britches, a pattern by Star Rug Company.  Most of it was completed at the hook-in, but I did pull a few more loops this evening.  For me, that's a LOT of progress in one day.

Many thanks to my new followers.  After all these years of blogging, it still does my heart good to see that follower number grow.  For months it didn't move, but recently it's increased. 
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Lauren, I think that's the most hooking you've ever done at a hook in. Good job :). That peacock rug is incredible. Wow, the color planning for it boggles my mind

  2. Looks like great rugs and so much fun. Your bunny is so cute.

  3. What a fun weekend. I do love your cute little bunny. He makes me just smile.
    I hope you have a wonderful week.

  4. Sounds like a great weekend, I love the bunny rug.Blessings Francine.

  5. I love seeing all the lovely projects! So much fun! Love Mr. Britches!

  6. Wonderful rugs and fun to hook with others.


  7. Oh Mr. Britches. You make me smile.

  8. Love the bunny...and his britches. Great many talented hookers out there!

  9. Thanks for sharing. And here is hoping our winter in NE Ohio is done for the season (after the predicted snow today and this weekend).

  10. Love all the rugs...and the colors used! Thanks for sharing your time spent hooking with others.

  11. Mr. Britches is SWEET and your hooking always looks like it is constantly being steamed since your loops are so even.

    Love that dirty dog and the way Kaye is changing the background, love the eagle too. And I agree that no way, no how would I hook such a detailed and large peacock rug.

    Oh, it also makes my heart pitterpat when I get new followers and a sad face when for some reason the number decreases by one.


  12. Wonderful rugs Lauren. I'm glad you had a good time. Kaye does the best colors in her rugs! Hugs, Lori

  13. Lauren, your Mr Britches is very alluring and love the tulip.
    You're right, you got a lot done.
    Me I'm kind of disgusted with the way my wool batch turned out but I should have been less in a hurry to get it done and do a better job.

    The peacock is quite a challenge. thanks for the show.

    Hope that your week goes smoothly.

  14. Lauren, thanks for sharing these wonderful rugs. Right now, I seem to be on a bunny streak. Most of my rugs revolve around these cutie pies. Your "Mr. Britches" is one I need to consider hooking

  15. Thanks for the nice comments about my wonky rug, it was a fun day. You and Melissa are always fun and your loops are always so perfect, just cant do that. Your Mr. Britches is really wonderful as are the colors. The peacock rug belongs to Diane Green. That is true art.

  16. Goodness such elaborate rugs. They are just beautiful.
    So glad you get lots of chances to hook with friends and 'new' friends!

  17. Thanks for sharing pics of your day of hooking...great rugs from the group, and I do LOVE your Mr. Britches! Isn't that pattern such fun?

    Hugs, Linda

  18. Great rugs! Your Mr. Britches is adorable.

  19. The bunny fanatic in me is gaga over Linda' carpet bag and your Mr. Britches! But they are really ALL wonderful!

  20. oh Mr Britches is just too cute for words !!! I'm glad you had a good time at the hook in - great rugs - I think my friend Katie is doing that same peacock, looks familiar and yes I think it is a Micarelli canvas. stunning ! Keep blogging we love you ! Mel

  21. Thanks for sharing these great rugs. Looks like you had a wonderful time. (Of course any time hooking with friends is a good time !)


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