Tuesday, March 3, 2015

All Done ~

Well, not really.  The hooking is done.  I've taken several pictures and just cannot get a decent one, but nonetheless wanted to share my Maggie finish with you.  I really love how it turned out.  At 20 1/2" x 39 1/2", it is one of the biggest rugs I've hooked to date.
It will join the other large-for-me rugs I finished in 2014.  Since that dang binding fairy keeps skipping my house, I need to find my binding mojo . . . sigh. 
In looking at these rugs, I guess next time I should consider a different color background . . . lol :)
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. kudos on such a large finish lauren, love your choice of colors!

  2. Lauren that is fabulous! Fabulous! Maybe the freezing rain will weigh down the binding fairy wings and she'll fall on your street.

  3. Love it love it now I need to get going on mine.

  4. Your Maggie rug looks very nice. When you find that binding fairy tell her to come to my house I have a bunch ti whip and bind too.

    I didn't get a minute to pull a loop today. Hopefully tomorrow I'll pull a few loops.

    I don't find anything wrong with using the same dark background.

    Take care, Hugs,

  5. I love your Maggie rug!! I like dark backgrounds. Isn't it funny how we lean to one color for a background. I wish the fairy would show up here for me too.
    You have such lovely rugs.

  6. Wonderful rug, Lauren! I find I always use the same black background as well, and have made my peace with it. It's what I like! Hope it's getting warmer up there.

  7. Lauren, these are wonderful!!! LOVE the maggie rug!!!

  8. they are lovely Lauren!! I have counted cross stitch pieces that I did in the 80's that I have yet to do something with, so you are not alone.

  9. Your rug is beautiful !!! I Love the background colors , nice & prim !

  10. Beautiful finish and one day....one day I'm going to hook that one too. Primitive black background is my all time fav. I have hooked light and other colored backgrounds but primitive black is my 'go to'.

  11. Hi Lauren, such a beautiful rug, great colors. Blessings Francine.

  12. We have the same taste, I'm hooking a Maggie B rug right now and 95% of my rugs have a dark background. I think the only ones that had a light background were gifts for other people.

  13. I see no need to choose a different background color for your rugs - this is what you're drawn to and what you like - it's beautiful. Lots of great finishes!

  14. Maggie looks great. As do all the other finishes. Why do we find binding such a terrible chore?

  15. Great finishes on your rugs, Lauren.
    That binding fairy is a funny gal !
    One day she'll strike, when you least expect it ;)

  16. Would you send the "Finishing Fairy Goddess" down south to my house? I have a stack of rugs that are in desperate need of finishing. I can provide lots of sunny skies and warm weather!

  17. great post
    very beautiful..
    i really liked

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