Sunday, March 1, 2015

Adios February ~


March has come in like a lion.  It snowed most of the day.  At least the temps weren't frigid.  We're still at a balmy 21* :)
DSO went flying for a bit yesterday.  Here is a view of Lake Erie off the shore of Lorain.  The little speck is the Lorain Lighthouse and the "lines" are breakwalls.  I was surprised to see a bit of open water.  I believe they are saying the lake is about 98% frozen over.

That's my house in the bottom right corner.  Not that you can tell what it looks like . . . lol.  I am about 2 blocks off the lake.

Thanks so much for your visit.  I appreciate you taking the time to read my ramblings.
Pug hugs :)


  1. I have been doing the March happy dance all day!
    ps we were lucky...NO snow today

  2. Oh my gosh, That is so cold looking! I just can't imagine that kind of cold.
    The light house looks neat.
    Well it is March now and spring is just around the corner.

  3. Sadly March came in like a lamb here which means out like a lion. DSO took some great shots

  4. This is the coldest and snowiest winter in a long time, we got more today.


  5. Nice pics from up above! I am so sick of the snow. I want it to stop. Jump immediately to spring. Why can't it do that? Instead of jumping immediately to summer like it so often does? Sigh.

  6. we got a very light snow and it is still snowing lightly.
    I am looking forward to sping.

  7. 2 blocks away from the lake? When can we all come for a visit? lol! :-) Great pics!

  8. Our month was ushered in with freezing rain and ice. I can handle snow and cold, I hate ice. This is a nasty lion. Lol.

  9. I have been wondering if the lake is frozen over. Thanks for the pics!

  10. I love the aerial view of your house and street.

    Let's hope Mother Nature will forget about sending the Lion when March leaves.

    Enjoy your week.

  11. Morning Lauren, neat aerial view of your home, lots of the white stuff too. Blessings Francine.

  12. This morning it looks like my trees are encrusted in glass since there was freezing rain after the snow. And sadly some of the evergreen trees are weighted down with the heavy ice on the limbs. Will be glad when temperatures get more likeable.

  13. How beautiful and how wonderful to live so close to the water...that is a dream of mine. We have a river across the road but there is nothing like the view of an open expanse of water :)

    Happy March ~ doreen

  14. What neat pictures! Even tho we can't see your house very well, it's a nice pic of the neighborhood! Brr, the lake looks COLD! 98% frozen, Wow!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. Your comments are much appreciated :)