Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snug as a Pug on a Rug ~

When I am done hooking for the evening, I like to throw my rug down to see my progress.  Last night Loocie thought it was the perfect place to lie.

Buttermilk Basin is having a mystery block of the month and this is block #2.  The pattern can be found on their Facebook page.  I'm not sure what I will do with mine, so for now it is hanging on this little cupboard.  (The cupboard really is hanging straight.)
I did not put the "band" on the flower pot and now looking at it, it looks a little blah.  I may have to add it.

Our temps today were near 30*.  It seemed like a heat wave but we are headed to a -2 tonight.  Plus, it's snowing again.  ARGH!  I am so ready for spring.
Thanks so much for the visit.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Oh, I could take that Loocie home - she is cuuute !
    We had a heat wave here today, too. It might have been 36 ish.

  2. Say it isn't so.... does that mean my 40* temps of today are going to dump down in the LOWS again? Loocie found her bed m'dear.

  3. I think Loocie has claimed that rug as her own. You might have to hook another for yourself ;)

  4. What a cutie! She looks like a snuggler. Back to the 70's for us today. I don't know how you all do it. We had three days in the 30's and it felt like Siberia to me. I really have been here long enough to finally appreciate the weather...well, getting a few decades older helped too!
    Stay warm,

  5. We had a beautiful day we had too 40's but we are into the deep freeze the rest of the week. I had to get out and take a very long walk.
    her little face could not be cuter. You have blowing it up with hooking and penny rugs love them all.

  6. That rug looks a lot bigger than I thought. Loocie thought that it was time she was featured on your blog and she chose the perfect place to get in the lime light without taking away the beauty of your rug. Smart little girl.

    Love that applique. Your stitching is so neat.

    Stay warm.

  7. AWww so cute!!!!
    I can't wait for warmer weather too

  8. Your wool pieces are wonderful and love your wool choices.


  9. Loocie is too cute for words and knows what she wants.
    We had a night of 18 last week and today it was about 70.
    No explaining it but enjoy the beauty of the snow.
    Your wool appliqué is the best. Still working on hooking
    and my Christmas quilt. Julia

  10. lovely work. we're bitter cold here too ~ just got back from fla, so i think i'll cry myself to sleep and hopefully dream of palm trees... wishing you a good week to come, keep warm my friend:)

  11. Loocie is so cute! Love the wool piece! It's been pretty cold and dreary here. :(

  12. Awwww... Loocie is such a sweetheart! :-) Great block from BB! I'm having fun watching everyone's version of this quilt.... looks like fun!

  13. I love the colors in the rug you are working on! Isn't it funny how those dogs just can't resist sitting on our rugs?

  14. Your rug looks great (from what I can see around Loocie anyway)! Loocie loves pretty things, too!

    LOVE you wool choices on the applique! What a great collection of tiny sewing machines...I'm having a little wave of envy right now :-)

  15. Too cute. The rug is is looking good. Your flower is a nice touch of spring to come. ;) we've got so much snow up here I am nervous about spring coming too soon...that snow has to melt somewhere. Wish the deep freeze waves would stop.

  16. Smart dog -- looks like a comfy place to be. lol! I'm sick of winter.

  17. Hi Lauren, oh my heart melting with the Pug on the rug, so cute. Love the flower, really pretty.Blessings Francine.

  18. I really love that flower. What a nice job. I love Loosie sitting on your rug. They do always think you are making it for them.
    I hope it warms up a little for you. March is almost here. :)

  19. Hello up there!! We had an actual heat wave yesterday, it got up in the teens! We only have about 5 inches of snow, I'm sure you have a lot more up there. Is Loocie staying with you for a few days? Do you think spring will ever come? I checked out the 10 day forecast, and it is still cold :(

  20. Lauren..Your little Loocia is adorable!

    I love the rug design and the flower is wonderful.

    Stay warm. We've -20* here in VT this morning.



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