Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Next Up ~

Here in Ohio, as I'm sure everywhere, when it gets really cold or really hot, all we do is talk about the weather.  Winter is about on my last nerve and it's not going to be much better anytime soon.  I swear, I get cold in November and don't get warm until April (unless I am having a hot flash . . . sigh).  Even winter-lovers have had just about enough.
That's my rant du jour : ~}
My Maggie rug is very close to completion.  The decision had to be made as to what would be next on the frame.  Recently Saundra sent me a list of all the patterns she already had on linen as a tool to help her decide what to hook.  I thought I should do the same.  Holey Moley.  I have 19 patterns already on linen ranging in size from 9" x 15" (Edyth O'Neill candle mat) to 22" x 43" (My Garden by Woolen Memories).  That does not include all my patterns on screen, paper, or in books.  I better start hooking faster . . . lol.
So what did I choose?  None of the above :)  Louise of Dogwood Farm is a pug mom who shared her pug pattern with me.  I will hook this as a fundraiser for Ohio Pug Rescue.  It will be raffled off at their reunion in May.  The finished size is about 14 1/2" x 19".  Thank you so much, Louise, for sharing your pattern with me.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Warm pug hugs :)


  1. That will be a great project and as a bonus it will help an organization you love. Good choice

  2. I love the 2 feet of snow that fell in your area, lol. We had another 8 t0 10 inches of snow that fell today. My husband does a bit of snow plowing for the church and he has nowhere to push the snow and the road to the church is getting narrower and narrower. The only silver lining is that the temperature is getting warmer.

    Good for you for getting that last rug almost done. The pug will be a great fund raiser. Good luck with this.

    Sending big hugs to melt your snow.

  3. You know that I think drawing out rug patterns for me is therapy. I really love doing that. Yes, I have all of those patterns to be hooked, but there is something in knowing you can hook when ever you want. I have a stack at least 10 not counting on the list I am making of rugs when my daughter comes for a visit. :)
    My cousin and his wife are in Ohio. I wish you could see the scathing things she is writing about snow. They have lived here and have been in Ohio for two winters. She posts all kinds of funny videos about snow. I think it just goes with the territory. My sister I think has just thrown in the towel, sending me pictures of her looking like Jack Nicholson when he is frozen in The Shining. :) It has been a long, long winter.

  4. Those feet cracked me up, great play on words.
    Love your new rug and so nice that it will be for a good cause too.


  5. I am still plodding along on my Maggie rug the winter is getting to me I can not focus on anything. We are in for more snow Sunday into Monday. not sure how much I try to not pay attention.
    Great rug for the pug fund raiser.

  6. That is so funny about the two feet of snow, made my morning chuckle... Love the rug your working on, so cute.Blessings Francine.

  7. oh my word... those "two feet of snow" are a hoot! The weather isn't much to talk about here either! But it seems that's all we talk about! LOL!
    Good idea to hook what you have and the pug rug will be a fantastic fund raiser! With your skills at hooking it is sure to be a winner!!
    Keep the faith!!
    Cathy G

  8. Louise was very kind to share her pug design with you and the lucky recipient will have a wonderful rug hooked by one of the best. I loved the two feet but sick of snow.

  9. Love the feet of snow! The pug rug is perfect! So sorry you are still stuck in the's getting tiresome, I'm sure.

  10. I love that you are hooking a rug for this good cause !
    2 feet of snow is 2 funny ;)

  11. Excellent choice! :-) That little pug rug is going to be adorable when finished!

  12. Those two feet are funny!! I am tired of winter and we haven't had it bad, so I can only imagine what you are going through! Spring will be here soon!! I hope you pug rug will bring the Pug Rescue lots of $$.

  13. awww the puggy pattern is so cute ! can't wait to see you put your prim charm on it. yes well I guess even winter lovers are sick of winter come March. I'm still hoping we hang onto some coolness thru the spring.
    happy Friday - have a great weekend Mel


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