Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sauder, Saturday, Snow and Stuff ~

This is one of my favorite Valentine's Day postcards.  I love anything patriotic.

Happy Valentine's Day to you.  I hope you get to spend your day doing whatever makes you happy.  I was going to go "play" today at the antique shops about an hour from home.  I have a bit of "fun money" that is burning a hole in my pocket.  Well, the weather is not co-operating.  It's snowing and ever since my crash on an icy highway a couple years ago, I play it safe. 

There is much I can do here at home ~ hook, work on the applique for my Rebekah Smith workshop, blog, read blogs, do a little Facebook and if I run out of things to do I can always clean . . . lol . . . but I don't think that will happen :)

This was the last heart I finished and it is my favorite.  I love how the back turned out.  Time consuming but worth it.  It is now happily residing in South Carolina.

I never take as many pictures at a retreat as I would like, but here are a few to share with you.  I can't believe I didn't get a picture of my hooking partners in crime, Melissa and Bobbie.  So sorry, gals :(

This magnificent rug is being hooked by Cindi Gay.  I believe she started it in 2007 but has worked on other rugs in between.  It will be at least 8' x 10' and it is breathtaking.  The colors are wonderful and SHE IS HOOKING IT ENTIRELY FROM HER WORMS.  Someone asked if she would have to work on other rugs to get more worms, and she said no. 

Dawn from Indiana is hooking this HUGE
pattern.  I believe it is Tulip Cross

Jane working on her Klimt inspired design using
many things other than wool to hook it

Jane's finished Santa

Not sure who was hooking this
sweet pattern

Western Reserve guild members
Ruthellen, Marian, Linda and Jane

There were many fine cut hookers in attendance.  They far outnumbered the primitive hookers.  I so admire the detail they can achieve, but it is just not for me.

For those who inquired, the issue of Early American Life with the article about Edyth O'Neill is the April 2015 issue. 

For those of you who loved the whale rug in my last post, the pattern can be found at "Never Enough Wool".  The designer is Lynne A. Kossarek and you can email her here.  I was told she does not have a website.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. Always enjoy your posts. Smart gal to stay home rather than travel in that white stuff. Otherwise your day may have cost you more than the price of antiques.

  2. I agree, stay home and safe. (And don't clan, do something fun). Those are gorgeous rugs. The big!

  3. Your weather looks a lot like ours, Lauren...sigh. I want SPRING.

    Thanks for sharing your Sauder trip...lots of beautiful rugs. Cindy Gay must have had one huge basket of worms!!! And I thought I had a bunch!
    Your heart rug is FABULOUS. LOVE the colors and the primitive wide cut. I would have a hard time deciding which side to display...both front and back are great!

    Hugs, Linda

  4. More stinking snow here too !!!! Enough of Winter already !!! Love your heart & those rugs are amazing !!!! Happy Valentines Day !

  5. I was hoping to be a little more productive today than what I have been. I've been working on quilts for my grandsons and am so close to have the top of one ready to sandwich and if I had done that instead of reading I'd be done with it already and working on the next one! I agree with everyone else - stay in where it's safe and warm! I love your posts but don't often leave comments. You've been quite the busy lady with your rug hooking. I'm starting to get the itch to hook again so hopefully I'll be able to get some things finished!


  6. Darn, you may set the house on fire if that money keeps burning in your pocket....but you are right. Better safe than sorry. OMG, I ADORE that rug of Cindi's. To die for. Would love to see it in person. Stay warm.

  7. Beautiful heart, Lauren!!! The Cindi Gay rug is stunning! Aside from the overall beauty of the design and colors... I really love the way she started to show a basket weave pattern (of sorts) with the hit n miss at the corners. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Wonderful pieces and I love how you finished off the heart, gives it a nicer look on the backside.


  9. Glad you decided to stay in today. It's wicked out. Nice surprise to see my work on your blog - along with my face. It was a great time at Sauder, wasn't it?

  10. Thanks for checking that Lauren, I ordered a year subscription. I think it is good you decided to stay home that looks like a lot of snow. I am a primitive hooker all the way. I do love the way the rugs look with all of that detail but primitive just calls my name. That heart you made is lovely and the back with patchwork is perfect. Well, maybe next weekend? I do know how it feels to have a bit of money burning a hold in my pocket too. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Great rugs as always. There is always more fine hookers than primitive in my guild to.
    happy valentines

  12. I love Cindy gay's big rug and I can't wait to see it all finished. I'm sure it a winner.

    I'm so glad that you stayed home today instead of being out on the road. It's just not worth it.

    You have plenty of fun things to do on your day off. Enjoy it and be safe.
    Happy Valentine Day.

    I wil confirm that the lovely, sweet heart is
    living happily in SC. You are so talented and
    live a fun life. Love Jane's Santa. Somehow
    the wide primitive strips look harder to me.
    One day I'm going to fly up north to a Hooker's
    convention of some kind. Not much of that kind
    of thing in the low country. Also, I love your
    patriotic valentines. Julia

  14. Happy Valentines Day to you Lauren. Love your heart mat, so many wonderful rugs.Blessings Francine.

  15. Happy Valentine's Day! How can i get a single copy of early american life?

  16. Great pieces...hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. Love seeing all the beautiful pieces!

  18. Oh my...all that looks so cold! Great pics of all those beautiful rugs. Cindi Gay came to Florida years ago for a workshop with our gang. She brought the rug she did of her hometown and it was amazing! What an extraordinary endeavor! Love your hearts with the patchwork backs! Star warm!

  19. I play it safe and don't drive in the snow either. Your hearts are wonderful. It's good you are having to much fun to think of Blessings!~Amy

  20. I too panic when driving in's the other guy I worry about...Cindy Gay's rug is simply amazing...8x10...I can't imagine hooking something so daunting...Love your sweet little heart...Greetings from cold snowy Maine...

  21. LOve that thick cut wool heart, and the back is great!!!! Are you taking the RS class From Our Hands in April?? I am taking the early class!!! Excited!!!! Stay Home when the weather is bad......lots of fun things to do at home!!

  22. All the rugs are wonderful... My grandmother hooked many a rugs and I do have a few. I'll stick to X-stitching and painting when I'm in the mood. BUT, Rebekah Smith has caught my attention. If I lived closer I'd love to attend one of her classes. I love her works.
    Anyways keep safe and warm. I love the snow but not like it has been lately. It is 57 as I speak and we are in the High Desert of So Cal. We do occasionally get snow, but could really use some rain.
    Peace to all, Barb


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