Monday, February 16, 2015

Frame Cover ~

Last week, Heidi (Woolnuts) invited us to the library to make proddy covers for our hooking frames.  Usually I just throw an old terry towel or ratty piece of fabric over my frame when I am taking it somewhere, so this appealed to me.  I took a piece of light colored wool to use, but got this thicker piece of wool from Heidi.  Other hookers were using brightly colored wools and making sweet little flowers.  Not me.  This is what I came home with.  I thought it looked great.  Then I thought it looked B-L-A-H.
{{BTW . . . I still haven't found my proddy tool.  It went missing (isn't that a crazy term?) well over a year ago.  I haven't a clue where to look next.}}

I decided to add a little wool applique and am pleased with the results!

Feel free to make one yourself.  Super easy.  Cut a piece of wool and allow for an overhang on all sides.  I then did the proddy, a little wool applique and a blanket stitch on all four sides.
We are at 3* and still no temps above freezing in the forecast for the next ten days.  My hyacinth is a breath of spring and smells heavenly.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)


  1. That came out cute, and a fun idea.


  2. Lauren, I love your new cover...very bright and cheery...hope you find your missing proddy tool...

  3. What a great cover...the cheerful colors are especially nice right now...I'm all snowed out this year!

  4. Your cover is so much fun !!
    I love the 4seasons - but Spring can take hold anytime now ;)

  5. Spring is not breathing here. CPR maybe???

  6. Oh I love your new cover! I have a proddy tool but I use a hook instead it seems to work better for me.
    We are 0 yesterday 7 below no 32 temps for weeks and none in the near future.

  7. I LOVE your new frame cover, Lauren! How fun and cheerful!!

    Hugs, Linda

  8. I love that! So much fun! What does proddy stand for??

  9. Your frame cover looks very Springy and I like the stitching and wool applique you did.

    Very cold in Ottawa this morning.

    Stay safe and warm.

  10. How NICE!!!! You did a super job and now have a beautiful protection for your hooking and grippers.

  11. Lauren, your cover is so cute! I have wanted to do something with proddy for a long time. I think I have to give it a try! love hyacinths. I put them on the table by my side of the couch so I can wallow in their sweet aroma. Spring is has to be!

  12. Hi Lauren,
    Your snowman made me laugh!! Glad you still have your sense of humor with all that chilliness!!!
    Your flower is so bright and sunny looking......when you need some spring, just make your own, right? It is wonderful with all the extra stitching and pennies....perfect!!! Your hyacinth is really beautiful and I can almost smell that sweet fragrance....Bliss!!
    Take care and hope you find that missing tool!
    Sending sunshine hugs~

  13. I can almost smell that hyacinth of yours!!! Just looking at it brightened my day. The view out my window is also bright - bright white SNOW. Your frame cover is really neat!

  14. Hi Lauren,
    Your snowman made me laugh!! Glad you still have your sense of humor with all that chilliness!!!
    Your flower is so bright and sunny looking......when you need some spring, just make your own, right? It is wonderful with all the extra stitching and pennies....perfect!!! Your hyacinth is really beautiful and I can almost smell that sweet fragrance....Bliss!!
    Take care and hope you find that missing tool!
    Sending sunshine hugs~

  15. Hi Lauren, oh I think the flower is adorable. Cute snow folk, made me smile. I love the flower, I want one now.Blessings Francine.

  16. That is so cute! You did such a nice job. It looks fun. Your flower I am so sure makes you so happy. It just smells of spring.
    Stay warm.

  17. Sweet little cover. I like the embellishments....really amps it up a notch. I can just smell that gorgeous hyacinth right through my phone.

  18. It looks great. So bright and Springy. Maybe it will be good luck and actually bring Spring sooner....


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